Fuck Israel

well found the commie... and none of it is bro science.... id reference it all.. but you MSM tv humpers... dont care.. its only what Don Lemon or Tucker say......jk on the commie thing you at least sound somewhat reasonable, and what do you mean BS? Listen the the Indians fell quickly because they were at a knowledge deficit compared to the Europeans(guns/flint)....Much like the Native Americans, years Before who crossed the bearing straight with spears with sharp pointy ends made out of durable flint....had a knowledge surplus compared to the people that were here, who were still using crude sharpened sticks... Not only that .....They hunted in packs and took down 2000lb Animals, they might as well have been Aliens compared to the gatherers that were already established in North America before they came from Asia.......and when they got to north America ...you think they showed up to be friends? No..(flint vs sticks) They quickly used their knowledge and technological advantage to take over, just like Europeans did to them years later (guns vs flint)

Here are some references...to calm ya down....Also and no. No other continent has a slavery problem that has thrived for a 1000 years like Africa has....period. There is a damned registry there for fucks sake
https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/1...ll-slaves-so-why-havent-you-heard-about-them/ **** slavery on going in Africa**
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/native-people-americans-clovis-news <---best proof there is, Native Americans came and took over....just as every Human group has done all through out time.
https://news.uga.edu/selig-multicultural-economy-report-2021/ <---buying power of Minorities in America, in fact African Americans command just 200billion short of Frances entire GDP..... scroll to bottom for notable facts.... 1.8 trillion for france, 1.6 trillion in buying power in 2021 for African Americans in the USA
https://www.statista.com/statistics/268411/countries-with-the-most-millionaires/ - Millionaires in the USA, 21,958 , of which 8% are African American.... thats 1756 millionaires of African American Descent.....thats more millionaires in Black people in the USA than Canada, italy...S Korea, switzerland, spain...etc,,,, in their entire countries.

and let me handle this light work...to cap this off then im off to work, Cuz, you know I work....and dont stay at home with the Children, I provide....but anywho...I Digress...

Thats because the truth is pliable to you....when it fits you, its the truth, when it makes you look stupid or makes your points look weak or made up or unfounded....THEN..... its Fake news...Much like this instance right now, and not to be rude but its a tell tale sign of a weak and closed mind....Before i showed up here.... you were SURE Native Americans where always here and evil Europeans just annihilated them and took all their shit... and they were peaceful people.... Well.. you're wrong. they showed up.. just like Europeans did.... and Took it as well... better weapons, better hunting techniques......Im sorry this is hard for you to handle...But its the best truth we know.

Have a good day Gents, oh and Hannimal since you have a hard link to the mueller report in your signature, do me a favor and what does page 182 say about facts and not being able to reach a judgement of collusion? (and this took over 20 lawyers, and 24million dollars....to say, oh we didnt find anything...but well...a bunch of nothing, tons of msm talking points...but...nothing factual.........) ;) have a good day guys..
lol @ 'the commie'.

What does that even mean to you? I'm guessing anyone that doesn't just agree with your rambling nonsense, but am willing to wait for you to explain what your definition is.

As for your cherry picking, America is a very wealthy country. And because there are 1756 millionaires that are black (just going to assume you are not full of shit with those numbers), doesn't mean that there has not been a systemic suppression of wealth in the communities across our nation. No matter what you have brainwashed yourself into believing (assuming you are not a disingenuous troll).
lol @ 'the commie'.

What does that even mean to you? I'm guessing anyone that doesn't just agree with your rambling nonsense, but am willing to wait for you to explain what your definition is.

As for your cherry picking, America is a very wealthy country. And because there are 1756 millionaires that are black (just going to assume you are not full of shit with those numbers), doesn't mean that there has not been a systemic suppression of wealth in the communities across our nation. No matter what you have brainwashed yourself into believing (assuming you are not a disingenuous troll).
I believe both of your assumptions are incorrect.
Good for you brother, someones gotta make this country go round so y'all can fluff each other up in these odd...fact less threads...Hey but have a good day at work man! real talk. And oh, the "slaves" you're describing... are not like the slaves that were brought here, and are still sold in Africa... good lord, low pay and bad work conditions =/= A slave....good god.
Wait, are you naive about the fact that you can buy slaves still the world over? You just sound like a racist to be honest.
well found the commie... and none of it is bro science.... id reference it all.. but you MSM tv humpers... dont care.. its only what Don Lemon or Tucker say......jk on the commie thing you at least sound somewhat reasonable, and what do you mean BS? Listen the the Indians fell quickly because they were at a knowledge deficit compared to the Europeans(guns/flint)....Much like the Native Americans, years Before who crossed the bearing straight with spears with sharp pointy ends made out of durable flint....had a knowledge surplus compared to the people that were here, who were still using crude sharpened sticks... Not only that .....They hunted in packs and took down 2000lb Animals, they might as well have been Aliens compared to the gatherers that were already established in North America before they came from Asia.......and when they got to north America ...you think they showed up to be friends? No..(flint vs sticks) They quickly used their knowledge and technological advantage to take over, just like Europeans did to them years later (guns vs flint)

Here are some references...to calm ya down....Also and no. No other continent has a slavery problem that has thrived for a 1000 years like Africa has....period. There is a damned registry there for fucks sake
https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/1...ll-slaves-so-why-havent-you-heard-about-them/ **** slavery on going in Africa**
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/native-people-americans-clovis-news <---best proof there is, Native Americans came and took over....just as every Human group has done all through out time.
https://news.uga.edu/selig-multicultural-economy-report-2021/ <---buying power of Minorities in America, in fact African Americans command just 200billion short of Frances entire GDP..... scroll to bottom for notable facts.... 1.8 trillion for france, 1.6 trillion in buying power in 2021 for African Americans in the USA
https://www.statista.com/statistics/268411/countries-with-the-most-millionaires/ - Millionaires in the USA, 21,958 , of which 8% are African American.... thats 1756 millionaires of African American Descent.....thats more millionaires in Black people in the USA than Canada, italy...S Korea, switzerland, spain...etc,,,, in their entire countries.

and let me handle this light work...to cap this off then im off to work, Cuz, you know I work....and dont stay at home with the Children, I provide....but anywho...I Digress...

Thats because the truth is pliable to you....when it fits you, its the truth, when it makes you look stupid or makes your points look weak or made up or unfounded....THEN..... its Fake news...Much like this instance right now, and not to be rude but its a tell tale sign of a weak and closed mind....Before i showed up here.... you were SURE Native Americans where always here and evil Europeans just annihilated them and took all their shit... and they were peaceful people.... Well.. you're wrong. they showed up.. just like Europeans did.... and Took it as well... better weapons, better hunting techniques......Im sorry this is hard for you to handle...But its the best truth we know.

Have a good day Gents, oh and Hannimal since you have a hard link to the mueller report in your signature, do me a favor and what does page 182 say about facts and not being able to reach a judgement of collusion? (and this took over 20 lawyers, and 24million dollars....to say, oh we didnt find anything...but well...a bunch of nothing, tons of msm talking points...but...nothing factual.........) ;) have a good day guys..

That's one way to look at it.

The thing is, there really was an attempt to overthrow our government by people who believe as you do. But your racist rhetoric, cherry picked truthisms and virtue signaling was shown to be a big lie when your leader stirred up an insurrection, tried to have an election overthrown and murder his political enemies. As shown above, right wing assholes will say anything to cover their own shitty actions. And you guys are corrupt as all hell.
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well found the commie... and none of it is bro science.... id reference it all.. but you MSM tv humpers... dont care.. its only what Don Lemon or Tucker say......jk on the commie thing you at least sound somewhat reasonable, and what do you mean BS? Listen the the Indians fell quickly because they were at a knowledge deficit compared to the Europeans(guns/flint)....Much like the Native Americans, years Before who crossed the bearing straight with spears with sharp pointy ends made out of durable flint....had a knowledge surplus compared to the people that were here, who were still using crude sharpened sticks... Not only that .....They hunted in packs and took down 2000lb Animals, they might as well have been Aliens compared to the gatherers that were already established in North America before they came from Asia.......and when they got to north America ...you think they showed up to be friends? No..(flint vs sticks) They quickly used their knowledge and technological advantage to take over, just like Europeans did to them years later (guns vs flint)

Here are some references...to calm ya down....Also and no. No other continent has a slavery problem that has thrived for a 1000 years like Africa has....period. There is a damned registry there for fucks sake
https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/1...ll-slaves-so-why-havent-you-heard-about-them/ **** slavery on going in Africa**
https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/native-people-americans-clovis-news <---best proof there is, Native Americans came and took over....just as every Human group has done all through out time.
https://news.uga.edu/selig-multicultural-economy-report-2021/ <---buying power of Minorities in America, in fact African Americans command just 200billion short of Frances entire GDP..... scroll to bottom for notable facts.... 1.8 trillion for france, 1.6 trillion in buying power in 2021 for African Americans in the USA
https://www.statista.com/statistics/268411/countries-with-the-most-millionaires/ - Millionaires in the USA, 21,958 , of which 8% are African American.... thats 1756 millionaires of African American Descent.....thats more millionaires in Black people in the USA than Canada, italy...S Korea, switzerland, spain...etc,,,, in their entire countries.

and let me handle this light work...to cap this off then im off to work, Cuz, you know I work....and dont stay at home with the Children, I provide....but anywho...I Digress...

Thats because the truth is pliable to you....when it fits you, its the truth, when it makes you look stupid or makes your points look weak or made up or unfounded....THEN..... its Fake news...Much like this instance right now, and not to be rude but its a tell tale sign of a weak and closed mind....Before i showed up here.... you were SURE Native Americans where always here and evil Europeans just annihilated them and took all their shit... and they were peaceful people.... Well.. you're wrong. they showed up.. just like Europeans did.... and Took it as well... better weapons, better hunting techniques......Im sorry this is hard for you to handle...But its the best truth we know.

Have a good day Gents, oh and Hannimal since you have a hard link to the mueller report in your signature, do me a favor and what does page 182 say about facts and not being able to reach a judgement of collusion? (and this took over 20 lawyers, and 24million dollars....to say, oh we didnt find anything...but well...a bunch of nothing, tons of msm talking points...but...nothing factual.........) ;) have a good day guys..
i find it kind of funny that in a thread full of reference links, people still say shit like "id reference it all.. but you MSM tv humpers... dont care.. its only what Don Lemon or Tucker say..."....kind of makes it seems like they're saying "i'd give you some references, but i just pulled all of this shit out of my ass and haven't had a chance to collate it with my colon"....
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I’m amazed that people have time to watch don lemon or whoever. I stopped watching American news around the time what’s his face got in trouble for shoddy reporting on W, dan rather? Just read news now on the crapper and during lunch.
Checked with my wife last night and theyve never had "the town" contact them about tenant complaints in any of their properties, ever, much less have it be a thing to constantly deal with like you have going on.

Different market different type of properties. I don’t have people from my market rate units calling the town, because we can choose who we put in more, it’s the low income properties which are the headaches. But how many residential units does your wife have? 100? None of them HUD? Apples and oranges. Again, you would understand this if you were in the business.
Different market different type of properties. I don’t have people from my market rate units calling the town, because we can choose who we put in more, it’s the low income properties which are the headaches. But how many residential units does your wife have? 100? None of them HUD? Apples and oranges. Again, you would understand this if you were in the business.
Biggest difference is theyre not slumlords. You are
so...meanwhile in Israel...the point of the thread...after a two year break, Israel starts training to attack Iran's nuclear program again....they've admitted to hacking the phones of French President Macron and other senior French officials, and are trying to use their crime as a negotiating point, if you agree to our demands, we promise not to commit this crime again, against one of the few allies we have left in the world... :roll:
and a new delta variant is spreading, which is more resistant to the vaccine, and to treatment once contracted...
lol @ 'the commie'.

What does that even mean to you? I'm guessing anyone that doesn't just agree with your rambling nonsense, but am willing to wait for you to explain what your definition is.

As for your cherry picking, America is a very wealthy country. And because there are 1756 millionaires that are black (just going to assume you are not full of shit with those numbers), doesn't mean that there has not been a systemic suppression of wealth in the communities across our nation. No matter what you have brainwashed yourself into believing (assuming you are not a disingenuous troll).

....thats not many millionaires, it isnt that high of a bar anymore. Granted I didn't bother reading that dudes ramble, but am I to gather they are saying there are only 1756 black millionaires? Any city has more rich black people than that, wtf.
So you are conflating people naturally migrating and expanding over tens of thousands of years over this continent to white men coming over and slaughtering the vast majority of them as they ripped the land out from under them forcing them into smaller and smaller areas?

I don't see it.

Have you ever read Guns Germs and Steel?
No, is it good?

I just googled it and got this:
View attachment 5014105

It’s really interesting. I don’t think it accounts for some of the agricultural development of many regions but it’s kind of an eye opening read.

Essentially no one has ever been “better” it had more to do with where civilizations developed as the exit from the Fertile Crescent took place

Europeans are the benefactor of their environment and it’s a primary reason their was this massive colonization of the world

edit: for the record though on your original reply; there have been conquerors all over the world. Mexico’s history is full of conquest: the Aztecs wiped out countless tribes. It’s only in recent and recordable history Europeans or “whites” took the reins
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It’s really interesting. I don’t think it accounts for some of the agricultural development of many regions but it’s kind of an eye opening read.

Essentially no one has ever been “better” it had more to do with where civilizations developed as the exit from the Fertile Crescent took place

Europeans are the benefactor of their environment and it’s a primary reason their was this massive colonization of the world
Having the ability to steal from all their neighbors tech when they would go to war which was damn near nonstop in the eastern hemisphere it makes sense.

I would think that gun powder the real game changer.

I will have to check it out.