Fuck Indipendint Records in Colorado Springs


Well-Known Member
When the leagalizaton shit was starting I was helping get signitures, an leaving flyers anouncing that Medical marijuana is on the ballot this year.

All places were great Exept Indipendant Records.
I asked the employee if I can hange it up, they get the manager/ owner.
I asked the manager if it was ok to hang them up on there boards full of bands an concert info. An he SHITS. (Im professional looking, not a bum or a highschool kid)
Started screaming at me "get the fuck out of here,we dont want that shit up here."

I calmy said ok," But Im telling every one you make money off smokers, an wont help us legalize"

He said "Get the fuck out."

I have never been so temped to just BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF ANYONE!:fire:
I almost fucked him up.:cuss:

I was shaking with rage stared at him a moment an left silently, Never to return.

Give your money to his competitors.
Fuck you Independant records!!!:lol:

Your shit WAY overpriced anyway....

This was at the downtown location near Acacia Park about 2004 ish.
If you see the manager/owner there ask if hes still Bi sexual for me?


chef c

Well-Known Member
ya, when i first read this post ten seconds ago i was like, "wow, that was sooooo long ago", but i do have to agree now that i think about it. Independent records next to the indispensary is a total joke. total. they make $$$ of medical patients and highschool kids alike and treat medical patients and highschool kids alike. its bullshit. I think if your going to advertize for a dispensary, u should treat your medical patients w a level of respect. but the dispensary is a joke too. they have strains that are patient only, ok, way to rope in new patients, keep your best green unavailable. its all shit tho. back to the shit weak ass level of glass at the records place tho. a few years back i spent a few dollars there before i knew what i could get for what i was spending, they totally rip u off there. no solid pieces either. just dont even go in. i asked to see if they had any different ash catchers in the back, the one on the shelf was 175 and ive never seen such a pathetic excuse for one in my life, so the kid goes in the back, fifteen mins go by, another kid walks up to me,"sup?" he says. "what happen to the guy that was checking on the a/c's for me?" i ask. "he went to lunch...". haha. i guess thats what u get. so since i have yet to find a decent glass shop in the springs and heads of state in denver is kinda the same my new soultion is HEADY GLASS. Go see chris, hes the f*ing MAN!!! 303.777.7558. off hampden. yes its in denver and it costs twenty bucks to get there and back but hell save u the money, period. last time i was there i got 50 percent off, a week before 420 too cuz of where i live, which is here in the springs. im addicted to glass. i love new pieces like my woman loves new shoes. used to be we had to get fucked by people like the owner of independent, but now we have places like Headyglass.com and aqualabtechnologies.com that will ship gallery quality glass to your front door faster than u can make the hash your gonna smoke outta it. so to the owner of independent and indispensary, step up your game son your a simp and the words out. and if there are any quality glass galleries in the springs, CHIME IN!!!!!!!! im talking TORO< SYN< SOV< MOBIUS, i dont think there are tho.... any investors out there? have a lovely day dont waste your money, lets go to heady glass denver and buy together, itll be fun!


Active Member
i drop off MMJ Mags to them every month.. i guess its a different story now that they all are combined with MMC's bongsmilie