fuck fuck fuck women


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
so a very sad thing happened yesterday, on friday my bitch gf was being a drunk so i left and went to stay at a friends, so the next day she was yelling at my voicemail and beating on the walls so loud that the cops came thinking they had a case of domestic violence on their hands, so the cops come in and she is the only one there along with my plants.......which are legal under prop 215 thank fucking god, so the cops leave without touching the plants, so after they left the dumb cunt decided to rip all of them up and destroy all my gear, needless to say she is out on the street now and not coming back, there is no point to this post, it just makes me sick to see my babies torn up on the floor:sad: check my albums if you want to see what she lilled
i would try to save them if you can. its really a hard plant to kill. just give it a try. that sucks i feel your pain. good luck with the plants and with the next girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
shit dude very unlucky, tear any of heR fukin shit up so she knows how it fukin feels >:(


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
shit dude very unlucky, tear any of heR fukin shit up so she knows how it fukin feels >:(
back in my mean and assholish days i would pile up her close and dump battery acid all over them. LOL and this was be4 she married me LOL:bigjoint: