fuck christmas


for those who arent celebrating for whatever reason..... here is your thread to vent....... have fun


Fuck the fucking shit out Christmas. Hope you enjoy the holidays alone in rehab, stupid fucking bitch.

How's that for a quick vent...


But gogrow what if u got sum flame shit for christmas


Well-Known Member
Fuck christmas,thanksgiving,easter,halloween and whatever holidays I forgot.

Im broke,I aint getting shit that I know of but hopefully I'll get suprised with something.And my punkass case worker said I cant go to my family's for christmas So fuck the holidays hopefully 2010 will be better.


Well-Known Member
Christmas is that special time of year where you get to feel like a failure because you don't have the money to do it up right and buy everyone what they wanted.


Christmas is that special time of year where you get to feel like a failure because you don't have the money to do it up right and buy everyone what they wanted.
Yep it's another little twist of the balls by the system. I hate it. I have asked all family to lend through kiva.org this year so I don't feel like a commercial dick, and also I guess in the hope that one or two of them might realise what a load of bullshit buying crap for each other is.


Well-Known Member
Normally I don't celebrate, because I have a really hard time swallowing the greatist bullshit ever told.

But these last couple years I celebrate for my kid's benefit. I remember christmas as always being my favorite time of year, and it's nice to give that to your kids.


Normally I don't celebrate, because I have a really hard time swallowing the greatist bullshit ever told.

But these last couple years I celebrate for my kid's benefit. I remember christmas as always being my favorite time of year, and it's nice to give that to your kids.

me too... but we cant give it too them this year :-(..... we're faking the best we can though... they'll get the decorations and such... maybe the tree, to be determined, and they'll have SOMETHING to open.... they'll be happy.... but i can vent my frustrations here... with adults that dont believe in santa;-):lol:


im not looking forward to it, just because every year i have to listen to my cousins talk about their perfect lives