

Well-Known Member
I'm in the end of
week 4 of flowering (8 week total life) n 2 gal smartpots , these are wwxbigbud and lemon kush , I'm growing in happy frog mixed with perlite about 60/40 with a tbl spoon of dolomite lime (pelets) couldn't find powder all 12/12 from seed ,Temps are good 75-77 lights on and never higher lights off Rh stays around 40 , last time I was way to aggressive with my nutrients I use Humboldt organic line , the Grow,bloom,flavorful,dueceduec, equilibrium , mycomadness ,and honey es so I waited till they were four weeks old and started at half strength with the grow ,bloom , mycomadness, and honey following the feeding chart did that for a week and started adding flavorful , I noticed a little burn tips so I just went to plain water for two waterings , then they started yellowing and getting brown spots in the veins and along the edges , from research and past experience i thought ok Ca/MG deficiency maybe the dolomite hadn't broke down so I added 1ml equilibrium to a gallon for two waterings and it's not getting any better , I need to water tonight and don t know what to do , go back to nutes with equilibrium (the CA/MG)or more plain water pleat help lol


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Well-Known Member
Not sure I 2 always thought w organics ph regulates itself with lime or oyster shell I guess I'm going to need a ph pen though that was supposed to be why I went organic in the first place


Well-Known Member
Not positive but it seems like a pH problem....My tap waters pH is like 8.2 and I had nothing but problems until I figured it out...Yellowing and browning just like you grow after grow....I go to the fish section in Walmart and get two things, Correct pH Fizz Tabs and fish water conditioner.....The water conditioner will condition the water and break the chlorine bond making the water safe for your plants.....The Fizz Tabs are like magic for me....They correct the pH to 6.5 - 7.2 no matter what the previous pH was and it's right in the range cannabis wants.....I figure if it works on delicate little tropical fish that it will work for plant water too....Cool thing about this method (other than it works !!) is you don't need a pH test kit and the stuff costs less than $5 bucks at Walmart


Well-Known Member
Not positive but it seems like a pH problem....My tap waters pH is like 8.2 and I had nothing but problems until I figured it out...Yellowing and browning just like you grow after grow....I go to the fish section in Walmart and get two things, Correct pH Fizz Tabs and fish water conditioner.....The water conditioner will condition the water and break the chlorine bond making the water safe for your plants.....The Fizz Tabs are like magic for me....They correct the pH to 6.5 - 7.2 no matter what the previous pH was and it's right in the range cannabis wants.....I figure if it works on delicate little tropical fish that it will work for plant water too....Cool thing about this method (other than it works !!) is you don't need a pH test kit and the stuff costs less than $5 bucks at Walmart
Thanks for the reply but I always use distilled water per instrucruins on my feeding chart bc it's supposed to have ph of 6.5 or 7 right?


Well-Known Member
Some people say distilled water is as low as 4.5 and can go as high as 7.....They say temperature is the reason it fluctuates so much.....I don't use distilled water but from what I've read it has different doesn't go over 7, maybe that's what you heard.....only way to really know is get a pH tester....I personally like the chemical test kits like that in a pool test kit.....its doesn't tell you the exact number but it cheap and gives you a pretty good idea what range the pH is in by matching the colors


Well-Known Member
Thanks I work right beside a pool store so it's worth a shot to see what the water test at what should I ask for and what am Iooking for