Fruit Flies


Active Member
So ever since I've started growing, i've noticed fruit flies flying around my place, and also an increase in their numbers.

I was told that this is because of my plants, and that fruit flies are attracted to marijuana plants.

Is this true?


Well-Known Member
you guys both probably have fungus gnats, read the frequently asked questions area of this site. If you're actually growing, it may come in handy.


Well-Known Member
yup fungus gnats, get some yellow sticky traps water with a lil h2o2 if ya got it

they eat roots, you will see em runing accross the soil


New Member
Ive read a couple times to put a thin layer of sand over the soil and the gnats wont lay eggs and will just die off eventually.

Anyone know if I could just use perlite?


Well-Known Member
Ive read a couple times to put a thin layer of sand over the soil and the gnats wont lay eggs and will just die off eventually.

Anyone know if I could just use perlite?
perlite will get all nasty inless yoou block out the light at least thats what ive found

nah, the sands to suffocate em
i have heard of useing sand, ive never done it b4, have you and did it work well and keep em under control


Well-Known Member
Sand never worked for me it helped. keep the soil a bit drier.The gnats larvae live in the drain holes of the pot also so sand is not totally effective.

Get some BT liquid and water the plants with it(mixed).
BT is a bacteriun that makes the gnats unable to digest food.
So you get some ,revenge on the bugs by giving them a belly ache.

Also diatamacious add to soil when mixing.

Keeping the soil a bit drier is effective. pests are usually made welcome by less than optimal conditions.


Well-Known Member
how bout for hydro i got a lil problem with those pricks ne ideas except sticky paper lol
h202 my man.... next res change get yerself like 40% h202 ad that shit and run your setup for awhile difrnt for difrnt types o hydro then also get you some sticky traps. h202 adds dissolved o2 helpprevent root rot and it will kill them basterds


Well-Known Member
Spray your area with a 10% or so bleach solution regularily.. Not the plants! Just areas around that could harbour pests that could get to your grow.. Pepper is also an ok natural repellent that won't hurt anything except your nose..


Well-Known Member
Didnt know gnats ate roots, I just let mine fly around. swat,snap,what the fuck i knocked plant down. now I use Go-gnats. a folier spray after the light shut down.


Well-Known Member
I would find out if the bt could be added to a hydro system.

Going after any part of the life cycle would work. the larvae are the plant killers.

No pest strips will kill the gnats but not the larvae.

There is a product called mosquito dunks (bt pucks) that are for putting in standing water to kill mosquito larvae. People have reported them to be effective for fungus gnats.


Well-Known Member
I use small squares that i cut for cubes put a slit with a hole in the middle same size has you plant stem pull slit apart and be careful puttig it around stem this covers top of cube.but i would have done before you get these little fuckers i used stickey papper and hund 4 of them that got rid of anything flying i do this even if i dont have a prob justn case.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yea i got the same set up man Hydro and i had a few but i don't see as much as i did before. I just used the sticky papers, around the plants had a cup of water sitting out for the humidity and started seeing them in the cup of water and on the sticky then hahaha i was taking shots just last night of Jack Daniels and left my shot glass next to the plants, well when i found the shot glass there were two flys in there, like they were trying to get the liqueur and drowned or got to drunk haha:lol:.