Fruit Flies


Active Member
I'm having a problem with fruit flies. I removed my plants from the room and sprayed with raid and washed everything down with Windex after. I also vented the room for a couple of hours. This got rid of the problem for about a week but they have come back. I just recently switched to 12 - 12 lighting, 3 days ago and want the flies gone before budding takes place so that they don't get stuck in the bud. Any suggestions?


Active Member
without seeing the alleged bugs i would guess you have fungus gnats and not fruit flies. youre having a hard time getttn rid of them as they lay eggs in the cracks of the dirt. you may have gotten rid of all of the adults. but after the larvae have had there fill of your plants roots they pupate and adults emerge. you can try putting chopped up raw potato down to get the larvae to the surface. but the only sure fire way of iradicating an ifestation once it has occured is to use nematodes. the nematodes dont harm the plant but kill every other pest you may have by entering the host and eating there way out. gnats are annoying but not indestructible. you can buy nematodes off the web for like 30 bux or something. hope this helped.


Active Member
i was also thinking that as long as you keep them in check youll be alright. get a spray that says you can use on fruit. chop up fly paper and put little squares on the dirt to catch them. as long as thyre not allowed to run wild youll be otay! besides it can be very satasfying squishing the little bastards when you find one.