Fruit Automatic CFL grow

Hi all, ive decided after a split from my wife i needed something to do, to concentrate on so i decided to start growing again, found a good old wardrobe and bought some seeds, i decided to plant them straight into substrate so no initial germing, and use some CFL's, im still waiting for a few people to help me move the wardrobe to my place which will be tomorrow so no pics yet but details are as follows.

Lighting: 8x30 watt CFL's, 4x 2700k, 4x 6500k
Seeds: 3x Fruit Automatic feminized from Dinafem
Location: Wardrobe, 6 feet high, 3 feet wide.

Any pointers are welcome, ive grown before but was with non AF strain years ago and just left it to nature outside, and harvested when ready, was power plant feminized and was really nice :hump:.

I'm waiting for the net to be connected at my new place so this may not be updated for a week or so, but by then they will hopefully be sprouted and on the way to glory, pics to come.
I'm back... Still waiting for my net but at a mates so thought i'd post a quick update.

It seemed when i went to get my CFL's the place i bought them from didnt stock 6500k in the shop, and neither did anywhere else, had to purchase them online so i decided to do a little experiment with just 6x23 watt 2700k's and see how it went, my setup supports 8 bulbs so i'll sort out the other colour temp and more bulbs for the next grow, im kinda excited to see how this turns out as theyre doing very well already...

Anyway where are we at? seeds went straight into potting medium with just light from through a window 6 days ago, after about 60 hours they were all through the soil and stretched a bit cos of the poor lighting, after getting them under the CFL's the stretching stopped and they started to grow properly, in the last 48 hours the initial single tip leaves have trippled in size and the 2nd set are on the way through, the seedlings are also a wonderfully healthy shade of green - i got an oscillating fan to keep the air moving and the temp feels about right, still cant upload any pics atm cos im not on my own pc but as soon as my net is up and running i'll upload the ones ive taken, by that time im hoping things will be moving along nicely for my 3 little beasts Topaz, Ruby and Sapphire :) .

Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
sounds good man i just bought this strain so ill be watching to see how it ends up. let me know if you need any help

Yo, thanks for the reply, i kinda would like some opinions on using 2700k spectrum for vegging, i could at any point order some 6500k bulbs but im a bit tight for cash atm so im trying to avoid it if possible, my main question would be, before things progress too far, is it possible to get a decent grow using just the 2700k bulbs? or am i wasting alot of time not using the 6500k? im an indoor grow noob if im honest, like i said above ive grown before outside a few times so i understand about looking after plants but im not overly versed in the use of lighting.

ive been scanning through alot of other journals on here with people using CFL's and mine seem to be progressing well for the amount of time they have been growing considering i have only 2700k's but im a little worried atm that they will either take an eternity to grow or grow too weak to yield a half decent harvest with these bulbs, the seedlings have been under lights about 4 days or so now and are still an awesome shade of green and well into the 2nd set of proper leaves.

Anyone else had experience with small setups using only 2700k spectrum bulbs? if so please feel free to spam my thread with advice and your experiences.


Subd waiting for response as well to question u just asked :) Im growing 1 Nirvana AF NL and just using 2700K bulbs wanna know if i should be using 6500s during the beginning going to be growing 4 more of the NLs soon and will be starting my own journal...good luck dawz
I actually just found a really good deal online for a couple of 30watt 6400k cfl's, probably going to order them but i'll wait off a couple of days and see if anyone can give some positive pointers on using only the 2700's. im just poised over the 'submit order' button atm cos i know getting some will improve veg growth most likely.
Ok so i ordered those 6400k bulbs i mentioned in my post above, will arrive in a few days and i'll add them to the mix, the plants themselves are coming on leaps and bounds, i was worried about the progress of the seedlings at first but they seem to have exploded in growth now, maybe it was a case of them establishing a root system to support the growth? either way things are moving on steadily, only 2 days till i get my net connected now so picture updates arent far off, could do with more people to post suggestions for cfl growing here so feel free to do so.

Fruit Automatic From Dinafem, stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. looking forward to pics. if i were you i would try to use 2 6500k and one 2700k 42w for vegg. when you hit flower just switch it for 2 2700 and one 6500. helps to have a mixture of spectrums. will deff help out on yield as well. i had 2 grows where i used only 2700k. plants tend to stretch a bit more while using this spectrum. hope that helped.

its difficult for me to get hold of larger wattage cfl's where i live, when my 6400k's arrive i will be using 2x30watt 6400k and 4x23watt 2700k throughout for this grow and the continuing ones.