frozen in time..


Active Member
Im not sure how normal it is but my seedling has not grown in about 3-4 days , I made a thread earlier about how I thought my first set up leaves were looking odd because they were going upward but they said I had nothing to worry about

So my question is how long can it be before it starts growing again

I have 6 CFL 27W 6500k

Will appreciate some feedback , will rep you



I would not say you have a problem yet, in 3-4 more days tho if it doesn't move, you might. One of my seedlings steopping growing for 2 days and its growing again.


Active Member
what you think could be the problem?

It looks perfectly green just a weird lookin plant cause the 2 leaves keeping going upward

and no growth maybe its a retard lol

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
It looks like you have 1" of soil in 6" pot? Why didn't you fill the container with soil?

If the roots become constricted growth is stunted.

Cold temperatures can also slow growth.


Active Member
It could be making a kick ass root system. Are the other center blades coming out yet?
I been looking for center blades to come out but there not :|

This is my first actaully im not sure why I didnt fill it all the way up , but I mean it shuldnt stunt its growth this early on , or shuld it .. ?


Well-Known Member
Give it some water, and watch it grow. That soil looks like it has enough perlite in it that you won't have to worry about the soil being too wet, and I'm betting that it's dry at the bottom of the pot too, where the new roots are tring to form, stunting it's growth. Give it a good watering, and I can almost promise you that it'll take off again. :)


Active Member
Give it some water, and watch it grow. That soil looks like it has enough perlite in it that you won't have to worry about the soil being too wet, and I'm betting that it's dry at the bottom of the pot too, where the new roots are tring to form, stunting it's growth. Give it a good watering, and I can almost promise you that it'll take off again. :)

alrite bro I just waterd it pretty good til i seen some excess water come out the wholes,

I havent been water it alot more so just misting it and giving it tiny bits of water because previiously I made a thread telling them what i was doing and they scared the shit outta me saying DONT WATER IT THAT MUCH BLABLA


Well-Known Member
alrite bro I just waterd it pretty good til i seen some excess water come out the wholes,

I havent been water it alot more so just misting it and giving it tiny bits of water because previiously I made a thread telling them what i was doing and they scared the shit outta me saying DONT WATER IT THAT MUCH BLABLA

I just created a thread two days ago, bitching about everybody telling the new guys to keep their plants dry as hell. It's freakin ridiculous. Now that you've watered it thoroughly, you won't have to do it for a couple days. Wait until there is a dry layer on top,(1/2 inch) and water it again. The 'finger test' doesn't apply when you are using such a tiny pot, because your finger would reach halfway down the pot, which is way too dry for a tiny plant like that. Keep it moist, and it'll be much happier. :)


Active Member
"the more i look at your pics, I dont see the new set of leaves that should be coming from the center of the plant.

I just had to pull a seedling yesterday because it never developed it's first leaves, only two starter leaves and in a few days just started to wilt because those tiny round leaves couldnt provide the energy to the plant.

This can happen where only the first set pops out and then the plant kind of forgets to make more leaves. It's likely genetic if that is the case, and you wont be able to fix it.

I also had a seedling pop up with 4 starter leaves.

My advise is to give it a few more days and if nothing new develops then just pitch it and start over."

I posted the same thread on another site and thats a reply I got , what you think is the probability of that?


Well-Known Member
"the more i look at your pics, I dont see the new set of leaves that should be coming from the center of the plant.

I just had to pull a seedling yesterday because it never developed it's first leaves, only two starter leaves and in a few days just started to wilt because those tiny round leaves couldnt provide the energy to the plant.

This can happen where only the first set pops out and then the plant kind of forgets to make more leaves. It's likely genetic if that is the case, and you wont be able to fix it.

I also had a seedling pop up with 4 starter leaves.

My advise is to give it a few more days and if nothing new develops then just pitch it and start over."

I posted the same thread on another site and thats a reply I got , what you think is the probability of that?
I saw that too, and agree. If that plant is mutated, and for some reason doesn't develop a new grow tip, ditch it and start another. I was hoping that wasn't the case, and that it just so happened that it stalled in a position where we can't see the grow tip. Time will tell.


I'll give you the same advice as on the other site, move your lights farther away. Just had the same problem and was comforted by the shitty advice you got in your other thread here, until my leaves started turning brown.


Well-Known Member
bro i wouldnt pitch a thing i have a mutant plant still is but she starting to finally take off...Here are a couple pics of my lil mutant about 3 weeks maybe 2...But check out the first couple sets of leaves retarted but the new growth is begging to grow as normal after about a week anf half of not doing a thing...



Active Member
I'll give you the same advice as on the other site, move your lights farther away. Just had the same problem and was comforted by the shitty advice you got in your other thread here, until my leaves started turning brown.
hey i just noticed what you posted in my old thread i decided to take your advice

I had 6 27W 6500k about 1-2 inch away, I decided to turn off 3 of them and see my out come

Ill let you know what happens tomrw thanks

Yea I guess i will just ride it out til its dead if thats the outcome lolol


hey i just noticed what you posted in my old thread i decided to take your advice

I had 6 27W 6500k about 1-2 inch away, I decided to turn off 3 of them and see my out come

Ill let you know what happens tomrw thanks

Yea I guess i will just ride it out til its dead if thats the outcome lolol
If you don't see any improvement try backing them another inch away. Like I said over at GC, I have 7 27w 6500k but 6 seedlings so they all pretty much have their own bulb. By going down to 3 bulbs you will lower your box temperature, but if you still have 1 bulb too close it may still be too much radiant heat. When I raised my lights up my temps went down, they were at 82 like yours. My sensor is at the top of my solo cups and I can't tell you if it was the air temp (from what I read 82 isn't too high, but a little hot) or the radiant heat from the lights. All I can say is how I got mine to un-freeze.


Active Member
yea no doubt but the thing is my box temp is around the 80's which i read is fine , and I have a fan on 24/7 along with lights circulating the air