Frost. Will my plants survive.

Nick m

Im growing 100% indicas iranian auto croosed with g13

Tomorrow its gonna dip t 28-31 at night then warm back up to 65 the next day. I dont have the option of covering. What can i expect?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you might be alright, depends on how long it stays that cold, but in general, frost isn't even good, a hard freeze is really bad, rupture cell walls, drooping wilted plants that don't recover


Well-Known Member
At the very least I would try some kind of modified garbage bag cover....anything to keep the heat from the ground in.
Maybe find something warm to put in with it on the ground you got an extension cord and a heating pad?
All it needs to do is take the edge off the temps.

I just googled protecting plants from frost a ton of idea's there.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
im not asking for a pinpoint of your house, but where are you that its going to be that cold tomorrow? you down under? cause its supposed to be 85 here tomorrow


Well-Known Member
NIck m there is a few things you can do, first of all you can cover it with any type of plastic Clear is a good choice just in case you don't make it to the plant right away, and the other I no of is if your plant did get hit by frost if you can get to the plant before the sun hits it and bring warm water and use it to water the plant before the sun hits it. The plant will draw the warm water into the leaves and the ice will melt from the inside out It works i have had to use that method up here in the U.P. Hope all is well

Nick m

Got down to 30 and rhey are fine! Buds are a lil more crystaly and denser.
A lil bit of purpling of fan leaves and tips of colas