From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow


Active Member
I haven't updated in a while so I thought I'd give a status report.

So here it is... Status: not good.

My plants are all still alive by some miracle, but they've all lost a lot of leaves due to what I believe is a combination of nitrogen deficiency, overheating, lack of humidity, lack of ventillation, and most of all, lack of lights. in short: My setup is horrible.

So, I have a new goal... to keep everyone alive until I have a proper operation, so I can clone my current plants and start at almost-zero.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear they are still alive. Don't be too quick to assume deficiencies. Several deficiencies look similar to root burn. Nitrogen is fairly easy to diagnose though.


Active Member
Hmm... Add one more problem to my list: We're RootBound!

Today is the start of week 7, so I though I'd check to see how my plants' roots were... I really wish I hadn't. They're a mess. lol it's a good thing I did, though...

I'd been planning on transplanting them at around week 9, but it looks like I'm going to have to move that up to sometime this week. This is going to be a problem, though, because I'm having a hard enough time being discreet with 4 dixie cups in my window... I've got no clue how I'm going to conceal four 12" pots. (really it should be five but I've got two plants in one container and I'm not sure how I'm going to seperate them without killing them). Anyway, now would be a REALLY good time for me to have lights and a timer... and it's starting to look like I'm never going to get either of those things... So I'm going to have to improvise, yet again, and hope it sticks...

I'll post pics when I get a chance, and I'll update again if anything of import happens... for now it's still mostly a waiting game, though.


Active Member
I'm down to two plants, now... the ones sharing a pot, seem to be keeping each other alive & in good health, so when I get around to transplanting them I think I might leave them together. My other three plants, died of what I believe to be root rot... I'd better hurry with my remaining two or they'll probably suffer the same fate.

I did start watering with nutes last time... nothing special, just miracle grow plant food, but they've responded really well to it. I think, if I have a spare hour this afternoon, I might transplant them to a bigger pot and water them down well, with a slight dose of nutes. And then maybe I'll stick them outside for a while... I think they're getting bored (for lack of a better term) with the light in my windowsill.

As for my setup... well, i'm still in the boat I've been in... My check STILL hasn't left the treasury, so It's going to be a few more weeks, at least, before I can start CFL growing...

Anyway, these are my updates... I appologise if anything doesn't make sence, as I'm about three sheets to the wind right now... (who doesn't love hair-of-the-dog?)


Active Member
It's been a while since I updated...

I got my remaining plants transplanted into a bigger pot... they seem to be doing OK. They've lost a few leaves to overheating, but they're still showing signs of growth. I'm pretty sure they're just stretching their roots, until they get the soil filled. Then I expect them to take off again... hopefully. Overall, I'm just amazed that I kept them alive for this long.

For me, things have gotten kind of hectic... I found out that my girlfriend is about 2 1/2 months pregnant, so now I've got priorities that supercede buying lights and whatnot... I don't have a spare cent to waste, now. so it looks like I won't be getting lights any time soon... but I guess after this long, I don't need them.

anyway there are my updates... I might be able to add some pics later, but I don't know. I accidentally deleted most of the pics I had of them, so I'll have to take some new ones maybe.


Active Member
Only one plant left...

But it seems to be doing exceptionally well. The one I started LST and FIM on (originally my smallest plant) died finally, but its pot-mate seemed happy about the death. It immediately started shooting out lime-green leaves, and has grown in height by a considerable amount. Hopefully, I was lucky and it turns out female... I really hope I can get it to bud... If it doesn't by the end of the year I'll probably have to kill it. I can't risk growing after my baby arrives.

anyway, these are my updates...