From Seeds to Weeds - Drakkaen's Low-budget Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
You would LST to get the plant bushed out a little and then remove the ties and place a screen over top. At least that is how I would do it. LST on it's own is also very successful though.
ok i think ill just go with the lst for the plant ill be making a grow journal soon once i get the soil and buy the seeds anyone want to suscribe or watch msg me and ill let u know when ill be starting it


Active Member
Well, things have kind of come to a standstill. Tomorrow is 4.20, and nothing is ready yet...

I still haven't gotten my check in the mail, so I don't have the money to even buy the bare essentials yet... That's what I get for trusting the government to be expedient. Live and learn :shock:.

The grow box still isn't light proof, but that's kind of moot because I still don't have any lighting anyway. I don't have filters made yet, and I'm still having a hard time figuring out how I'm going to ventillate the box... The fan I've got is a very inconvenient shape to work with.

The seeds still haven't shown much sign of life yet, but I'm not TOO worried. At the very least, I think they should be ready to plant by late tomorrow evening.

So, it looks like I might have to start this grow without any facilites. If I do, for now, I'll keep the seedlings outside during the day (probably in plastic bottles), and bring them in at night... Thank god seedlings are easy to work with.

I'll update again as soon as anything interesting happens.


Active Member
Well, Yesterday was 4.20, and I was stuck still waiting on the seeds to germinate. As of this morning, 4 of 9 have split, and it looks like 2 or 3 others are about to. I'm giving them another 8 hours, and then they're going in soil whether they want to or not.

At the moment I'm only a day behind schedule... but It doesn't sit well with me. I know it's a little bit late for me to be thinking this way, but I'm starting to think I need to reevaluate my plan and make a few changes. Now that some of the seeds have sprouted, I've got motivation, so I'll be trying to recover some lost ground over the next couple days.


Active Member
Amazingly, 8/9 seeds have sprouted now... I'll leave the last one in the paper towel for another day or so, just in case... but now it's time for the rest of the seeds to hit soil. I'll probably do that at about 8:00 tonight.

I'll post updates & pictures as soon as they start breaking through.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the begining of a very nice journal. Great job, keep it up!
Are you monitoring the ph of your water? I would strongly recommend doing so if you are not. My tap water at home is 7.4 which is way too high! Killed my first crop a few years back when I wasnt checking my ph.
Good luck man, happy growing!!


Active Member
thanks! :)

Yeah I was just thinking about that today... I don't have a Ph test kit yet, but I think it's one of the things I'm going to buy.


Active Member
So far three of the seeds have broken through soil. One seedling is already getting pretty tall, but the other two aren't showing much sign of growth past the first shoot. One of them is purple... I think that's the one I'll be FIM'ing.

Since I'm still working Sans-Lights, I've had to keep a row of dixie cups in my windowsill... So much for stealth, Eh? I'm really starting to wonder if I'm ever going to get my check. I guess if it doesn't come soon, I'm probably going to have to put a halt to this Op.

I've got pictures ready to post, but I don't have the time right now. I'll update again later when I get the chance.


Active Member
I accidentally killed one of my sprouts while watering it (It was the one I was going to FIM), But it's all good. That last seed that didn't want to germinate, finally stuck out it's little tap root... So it took the place of my first casualty. So, I've still got 8 plants :)

Four of them have now broken through the soil, and they're all looking pretty good... I'll post pics later when I can.


Active Member
I had a little mishap with my watering can (the spout popped off), and it flooded and uprooted the poor little thing. I tried to cover it back up, but to no avail.


Active Member
I don't have enough light!!!

The seedlings are doing okay, but I can tell I'm going to have a serious problem if I can't get those CFL's soon. They're getting REALLY leggy already, Almost to the point that I need to transplant them and start LST. But I'm trying to hold off on that until I can bring some illumination to the situation.

I've been taking a few pics here and there... I've got them ready but I just haven't been in the mood to try and post them. I guess when I finally get around to it you guys will have a TON of them to keep you busy :)

Anyways, more to come later when something develops.


Active Member
Quick update - 5 of the 9 plants have broken through the soil, I'm convinced the other 4 aren't going to. approximate heights of the surviving plants are: 3in, 2.75in, 2.25in, 1.5in, 0.5in

My cat knocked one of the leaves off of the second-tallest plant, so I decided to FIM it and go on with life... We'll see how that one works out.

3 of the plants have good root systems developing... The smallest one, however, has no roots to speak of... It was the one I thought I'd killed with the watering can... But I've accidentally uprooted it several times now, and yet somehow, by the grace of the marijuana gods, it's still alive and actually doing quite well. I hope it get some roots going soon so I can give it its own container (it's sharing space with the FIM right now).

All of the plants (aside from the FIM, not sure about it) are on their third set of growth nodes at the moment.


Active Member
These are hot off the press - taken this morning, just so I'd have something to keep you guys interested.

I've got to appologise for the quality on a couple of them... It's a little hard to shoot for clarity with a 5.1megapixel camera @ 4 inches.

Anyway, hope these are enough to tide you guys over until I can get another set posted :)



Active Member
Update: All the plants have had a growth spurt over the last two days... they've all gained between 0.5" and 1.25". Their approximate heights are now: 3.5", 3", 3", 2.5", and 2" (in the same order as last time). My smallest and second-smallest are both doing wonderfully... they've both gained the most over the last week. My FIM experiment worked out quite well, too... There are now what appears to be four shoots coming off the main stalk, and it almost looks like the plant might be growing a mutant leaf off of one of it's 'baby' leaves, so I guess we'll see what happens. For now, though, everything's going fine... I still need to get those lights soon, though.


Active Member
I think I've got spider-mites. Little red-orange bugs that look kind of like aphids, and like to chew trails into the leaves of my pot plants... I hate them with a passion. I've been killing them off my plants as I see them, but it's like trying to weed a garden with a chainsaw.... not the most accurate method, nor the least destructive to my plants... So I need to find a cure for it. I think I've heard that garlic powder works... I'm going to do some research and then try and kill the little bastards before they completely wreck my crop.

Of course, if I had lights, I wouldn't have that problem... I contacted the treasury about my money yesterday, and found out that it still might be another 6-12 weeks before I get my check... which by then, my plants will probably be through their first growth cycle and on their way to into flowering, or at least getting close... I guess maybe if I get my lights by then, at least it'll be easier to put them on 12/12... but it looks like my first yield isn't going to be much, because they didn't get enough light as babies... I may end up having to reveg, and I'll probably take some clones from my best lass... but I think I might try and keep everyone on the same photoperiod, so it could be a while before I get a good bud out of the deal.

I guess I can be thankful for the expirence I'm getting... I'll never underestimate the value of proper lighting, that's for damned sure.

A word on the plants: They've all gained some more height, but not enough to bother measuring... The little scraps of maylar I put in the pots, seem to be helping even more than I thought they would... i guess every extra lumen helps. They're mostly a healthy green color... it looks like I could be having a little bit of nutriend deficincy with a couple of them, but I'm going to wait a little bit before I actually diagnose it as such. My littlest guy seems to be growing roots now, not much but enough to keep him upright when I water... My FIM is doing incredible, I was right about both the mutant leaf growing out the side and the four leaves coming in on top... there's also a third growth node coming in, as soon as it gets big enough I think I'll clip the growth tip again and hopefully it keeps working like it has. I really hope my FIM turns out to be a girl... If It keeps going like it has, it could turn out to be my best plant... we'll see, though.

I'm keeping an eye on my lovelies, for now, so I'll post again when anything noteworthy happens.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like things aren't going quite as planned eh? Sorry to hear that. Like you said though, at least you are learning some very valuable lessons. May as well do the learning early on while you don't have much to lose. I am loving my girls:) All my clones rooted and the AK47 seed I just germed is cracked open and ready to go into some soil. Hopefully this time I get a girl.


Active Member
Yeah, my plans all kind of went to hell lol. The biggest lesson I'm learning is how to improvise... lol maybe if I learn to do it well without any special equipment, I'll be able to do incredibly well when I finally do get some special tools and such, eh?

Good luck with your AK, hope you get a girl... I hope I've got girls, as well. I'm pretty sure at least one of them is, just because the plant seems like a girl to me, somehow... We'll see if I'm right or not though.

I went camping for the last couple days, so my plants got to spend two full sun-cycles in my south window... they loved it, they've exploded with growth and are now getting to be almost 6" tall. I'll take more pictures sometime soon, so you can see their progress... I'm pretty impressed with it, myself. Although I'm still a bit worried about not having enough light... I guess it's whatever though.