from seedling to fat woman!


Well-Known Member
I will be honest It feels amazing to have some nice looking buds growing.. ..

You cant see them clearly but no lie, they look dank so far! Trichomes bursting all over..Widow maker and Garden Knowm and whoever else helped me here, thhhhhank you guys for your patience with me myself and I. Shit I'm so excited and I just cant hide it


Well-Known Member
mogie If I could I acutally might. I'll tell you what I will do though, your welcome tp stop on up here and join the circle.


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to trim some of the fan leaves off yet so th eother buds can get more light? I have been using the tucking method pretty much, and just clipping the lower leaves that begin to yellow up and die. But would this be alright? should I wait? yay nay?