from seed to ebb and flow help


Well-Known Member
I usually germinate the paper towel method for soil. I just order and ebb and grow set up, and need to how what type of plug to use for seed starting. What do some of you use? I've look at rockwool, and Park seed sponge plugs made for their dome will they work? Thanks a lot for any help.


Active Member
Paper towel - inch rock wool, push into 3 inch Rockwool, root that out and put it into your flood and drain....

Quick tip... Test run your system, at max flood height place your Rockwool just out of reach of the water, you don't want the water to hit the cube... Can give you major root problems, keep the cube damp by hand, just until your rooted into the system....

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I've always used rockwool cubes, tried peat pots but wasn't satisfied with them, I'm back to rockwool cubes.


Active Member
i like peat plugs for seedlings thats only because ive had rockwool seedlings push out due to not germinating with paper towel.
Uzergu1de - could you elaborate on the positioning/height of the Rockwool? Based on what you are saying, it sounds like the ideal positioning is with the Rockwool completely out of the water (during the "flow" phase), forcing the roots to grow out of the Rockwool, downwards into the other growth median (in my case, Hydroton) in search of the water below... Is that correct? I know that Rockwool is suppose to thwart bacterial and fungal growth but it sounds like you are saying that there can be other root problems if the Rockwool is constantly flooded for the duration of the plants life - seedling to harvest. I'm a first time user with the Mega Garden and SuperGlow LED light system :shock::confused: