From outside to inside - auto variety

Yeah no problem at all. Co2 wil help ANY grow, when done right...
Na forsure tie right about it helping all grows I jut could have swore he said something about iit's important acne when doing purps idk. Other batch is looking good too looks like your in for a bountiful harvest my friend
Barring a catastrophie, I would say so, I am pretty happy...Now it's time to seal the grow room up 3 rolls of HVAC tape. Yeah fun!

Thanks for stoppin by.
Dark Purple Trichomes - She's ready! All plants got plain water on monday, saturated competely. So while the rest of the garden will resume their feeding today, she will get a gallon of FloraKleen at 2ml and when she is bone dry - Chop chop!

Here are the pictures - TONS of milky triches, with a few amber in there and a few brown (REALLY degraded, but I'm guessing that is from the hose blastings for the mite treatments). Anybody seen amber and brown stem with a cloudy head? Weird to me...anyway, here they are:

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OK back from hietus... well after the 3 days it took to dry the Dk. Purple out, I came back from an out of town weekend to find all BUT the dark Purple had mites...again! So instead of putting the dark purp in a box for 48 hours of darkness, as planned, I felt it too risky and after treating all other plants with mighty wash, I just started plucking...I literally hand picked EVERY leaf from the plant. Hard to say because of the branch I cut to check triches (I now do that right on the plant with the tripod and macro lens) never got weighed, and the fact I was quick drying and smoking from day one, AND that I gave a good two wet grams or more to my freind and all that BEFORE I got anyway no true yeild report, but best guess is around three dried quarters...when I finally got the scales and weighed what was dried and still here, I had 15.5 grms still left. Smoke is powereful and sweet with anearthy pungentness that can make you want to cough on or before the exhale... Also got about a cc of fresh frozen ice hash (sorry no time, I promise). THAT stuff was amazing!! I should have let it dry maybe, but is was melting like wax if you fired it very gently a few times beforea actually hitting it...OMG, I nearly passed out more than once (but I got lung issues anyway, so don't read too much into

Dark Purple Harvest (Jul. 31th) Day 62.The first picture is of the nugs from the lower branch used to check trichomes, the rest is the wet harvest pictures (missing one paper plate of the total) I deleted that one and the dry pics I took by accident....srry. I'll post If I find any...

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...And on with the full Update

1.) Watering every other day now they are thirsty...they were all wilting the day after I harvested the Dk. Purple. All were pruned after watering and boudnced back well.
2.) July 29th all but dk. purp. got same nutes as last posted mix; Aug. 3rd, SCH's got same again, while the rest I upped the Bloom nutes to 8ml while reducing the veg by 75%, then same again on the 10th
3.) Aug. 10th they were all put outside till early yesterday morning... power got shut off and while it was on the next day, I had work to do sealing the room and waiting for 6", 400 cfm in line exhaust fan and by Monday night it will be hooked up and SEALED, at which time I will sanitize all surfaces of the room and close and seal the door (Inlet will be HEPA)...NO MORE MITES, for God's sake!
4.) While only amnesia and frt punch just began wilting a little yesterday AM, they all had a lot of pruning to do when I brought them in early this AM after an overnight filled with thundershowers which is why they were out the extra day to give them a good washing...
5.) New pics in the grow room thread for those in signature...

WW (79 Days):

IMAG2128.jpg IMAG2130.jpg IMAG2134.jpg IMAG2141.jpg IMAG2146.jpg

Amnesia (71 Days):

IMAG2151.jpg IMAG2153.jpg IMAG2156.jpg

Fruit Punch (70 Days):

IMAG2162.jpg IMAG2167.jpg
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Very fast finish for the SCH #1...budrot, and she truly is done regardless. I don't like the fact she only got a 3 day rainwater flush, but it boiled down to neccesity. Please see post for full discussion with pics, and, preferably before posting an Qs - covered a lot of ground in this thread:

Harvest report Day 79:

IMAG2297.jpg IMAG2304.jpg IMAG2316.jpg IMAG2319.jpg

Finger Rub:


In the Freezer for fresh frozen Ice Hash:


Rotted Bud for qucik dry Ice Hash; first pic of main cola portion 41.2 wet grams total:

IMAG2327.jpg IMAG2326.jpg

Final Good Bud wet weight yeild, half to be used for dried/cured Ice hash run:

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:mrgreen:Fresh Frozen trim Ice Hash CCW from top center: 25micron, 45micron, 73micron, 90micron, 120micron, 160micron, 190micron:


After finger press/dry, using parchment paper, R to L: 25+45+73, 90, 120, 160, 190:

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Final good bud harvest drying, Quick dried rotted bud Ice Hash run:

IMAG2357.jpg IMAG2359.jpg IMAG2361.jpg

The bad bud


CCW from upper right: 25micron, 45, 73, 90, 120, 160, 190 (EDIT to last post, I got this order reversed and just now realized it so I can't change it (sue me, I'm dyslexic, what can I say?))


Only the 160 and 190 micron grades actually tipped the scales (gotta get higher resolution, I can see already...). Total weight of this run after squeeze drying with parchment is 1.3g (accidentally deleted that while sorting, and now I have put all the hash together so can't take another one oops sorry)




I promise, it's 1.3 grams:


All together now:

...I am sorry everyone, I am going to quit on these threads...I had a pretty rough time with, I guess, my soon to be ex wife yesterday and my heart just is not in any of it any more...I almost just want to trash the remaining four plants altogether but I will finish them out...peace...
OK, my freind and his wife, both with MMMP cards, have the rest of the plants now...thanks for all the help, everybody...
Thank you sooo much for your fantastic informative threads I have learned much from your work.

Sorry about your situation with the wife hope everything works out well for you.

I have been there its not a good place All the best for your future bro stay positive It does get better!
Feeding schedule and results are great : )

1.) The box set I got calls for three of the supplements AND three Main nute solutions to be used from week 1. I am going by the info of a good auto grower here using the SAME base nutrients only and holding off on giving main nutes till week 3 or 4 (he actually waits five but we use different soils I believe his is much richer than mine and I will start this process slow)
2.) Mixed .7cc of Rapid Start, .7cc of Floralicious Plus, and .6cc FloraBlend per Gallon very warm water. Tested at 6.5ph with provided liquid test kit. Soil tested 6ph with simple litmus strips afterward, and this morning.

You shouldn't use warm water bro... Cold water holds oxygen much better than warm water... which is important... Roots don't use CO2 they use O2... The benefit of using air pots is getting more O2 to the roots.. "the air pruning" is to exactly that end. I'm not saying use Ice cold water (even though that does hold the most O2) because that would shock the plants... but stream temps ex: 65F-70F is great.

Not telling you what to do, not trying to be a dick, just wanna help/be of service in a constructive manner. :weed:

Happy growing! :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: :leaf: