From outdoor to indoor. Questions!


Active Member
Ok so my plants are really fucking nice and I want to take them indoors to flower them (they both showed female preflowers). I bought a nice 600W HPS lamp with everything I didn'T already have.
Now here are my questions:
1. What should I do before getting my plant indoor (pest control? etc.)?
2. What time of the day is it better to get them in.
3. About the photoperiod, I wanna get them on 12/12. Should I :
A)Start the timer sync'd with the current sunrise time;
B)Sync the timer with the current sundown time?
C) Go straight to 12/12 or go through a gradual progression?

4. Should I know anything else I didn't mention?

Thanks buddies!!


Active Member
Why do you want to bring them inside for flowering? It's usually the other way around? There WILL be pests if you bring it from out to in, however to minimize the damage start with your average plant safe pesticide or neem oil. As for the light cycle I don't think you have to time it with the sun unless you plan on bringing them back out.


Well-Known Member
I would give them a good dose of neem 3 days before you want to bring them in, spray them again on the day you bring them in. then let them run 24 hrs...under the hps.....for about 2 weeks...and then set them to the cycle you want...i run my lights at the night time to counter act the heat during the day and to help with heat during the cool nights...

I brought the ones that i got in my room now from outside and put them directly under 12/12 and they are doing great so i dunno.. your good bro!


Active Member
I would bring them in keep em in total darkness for 36 hrs. start the 12/12 cycle righ after, this way their is no confusing them.


Active Member
Started spraying today, I will keep doing this for another couple of days. I do not have any other plants inside at the moment so it's not like I would contaminate other plants.

I am bringing them inside because they are getting very big and I grow in a very crowded/urban area. Last year they got stolen a week from harvest (you can read my previous journal in my signature) and they are at the exact same spot this year (call me stupid, but I go nowhere else to grow!!)
My paranoia wins over the sunlight :P

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep you posted!