• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Junior Creatologist
Hey guys,

I just wanted to write up a quick thread, and address something that probably doesnt come up in peoples heads when they start a grow operation. Its a subject that nobody really likes to think about, and its something that NOBODY wants to believe will ever happen to them.
Bein Busted by the Cops.

Basically, i wanna tell you guys out there, N00b and experienced grower alike, that we all need to be weighing the risks in our heads before we endeavor into a grow. You need sit yourself down, go to www.norml.com, and check out your local grow laws, and ask yourself "do the pros outweigh the cons?" . If they do for you personally, wether it be for profit or personal use, then by all means, grow. BUT know this - You need to consider that getting caught is a VERY real possibility, and we all should prepare for the worst. If were willing to do somethin like this, we need to be willing to prepare for, and accept the consequences of our actions.

So heres a tip - If your growing, Take preventative measures, besides trying to conceal your shit. If by the off chance you do get busted, you need to have a backup plan. From the day you start your grow, you should be putting away a little bit of money every month, should you ever end up getting arrested, or just flat out having your shit taken from you and you bein left bare on your ass without a grow, and have a fatty ticket to pay - or worse, lawyer fees, ect.

Put that cash away, that way if you get caught, you have money to support your family while your gone/while your setting up again, or even for just that - put some money away so you can start your grow all over again.

Me personally, ive been doing just that - ive been putting money away for a RAINY fuckin day, in case somethin should ever happen and im not here to earn for my family for a month or two, theyre taken care of. Or if i need a good pot lawyer, im taken care of. and when i get back from wherever the fuck i came from, lol, i can jump right back on the horse, and start my grow over like shit never happened.

Im personally in this shit for the long haul. Im not in it for just a hobby. Im fully into the "Overgrow America" philosophy, and i dont give a fuck if im busted once a year, im still gonna get right back up, dust off, n grow again. But when i do, im always going to weigh the risks, and ALWAYS am gonna put away cash should something happen to me. It dont matter if its ten years before i get busted - that just means that my wife n kid will have a fuckin NICE little nestegg to live off of while im either doin time, or tryin to rebuild what i lost from a raid.

No matter what, i know i have my ass covered. - do you guys??

I hope so. And if not, i hope this puts the idea into your head.
Newbies ESPECIALLY need to be thinking about this before they even germinate a seed. They need to decide for themselves if its worth being busted. I know alot of people wake up in the morning, and are just like "Okay, i think im gonna start growin pot. Ill never get caught, that shit just happens in the movies, and on tv. Itll never happen to me" . Well, n00bs, your WRONG. It can happen to any of us. We are not drug lords, were not Kaizer Soze, Were NOT George Jung. Were regular people, and we can get caught just as easily as your million dollar kingpin could. You just need to be careful.

But if for some reason you ARENT, and you get caught, just be prepared for that to happen. Dont get taken away with no dignity, cryin like a little bitch, screamin about how you never thought this would happen to you, and about how sorry you are. If i get busted, im goin out screaming OVERGROW AMERICA!! .

Sorry for goin on forever about this, but its something i really COULD go on forever about. We as growers really need to be aware of the risks, and be prepared for that rainy day should it ever come. Always nice to have an umbrella handy...


Junior Creatologist
N sorry for the abrupt title of the thread - i just wanted to catch peoples attention, lol. Didnt mean to sound all demanding, its just sometimes people dont read a thread unless it says "three tittied whore fucks herself with a driving iron for a 5 dollar crackrock" , or some shit like that. So once again, sorry for the abruptness. :D


Well-Known Member
Plus rep 4 U!!! Too many people here are either naive or have been "lulled" into a false sense of security about the risks involved with our activities. What troubles me even more is the apparent lack of concern some folks have about putting others (or their property) at risk so they can have bud to smoke.
We all like to think that it can't or wont happen to us, but the fact remains that as long as there is a RISK, no matter how small or remote, it is still a risk and it CAN happen, and often does when we let our guards down. Some places that risk involves a minor inconvenience and fines, other places that same risk can involve losing EVERYTHING. Over what? A few OZs of bud?
I have always believed in the boy scout motto, Be Prepared!! That means having enough cash in the bank to cover an extended loss of income, (an account in a name other than yours), and enough CASH ON HAND to retain an atty, secure a bondsman, and short term survival money.
We all have our reasons we do what we do, but in MY opinion, when you risk jail time, forfeitures and seizures, just to get just a few ounces isn't worth the possible penalties. For those for whom this is just a hobby with benefits, there are a whole lot of other hobbies that are just as rewarding, but won't get your ass tossed in jail.
Growing is a serious endeavor, with serious consequences. Young kids are putting the family house and livelihood at risk by growing at Mom & Dads house.
You gotta ask yourself what a year (or more) of your time is worth, and what all your assets are worth. Compare that to what you are gaining by growing. This will be different for everyone, but for me, just a few oz every 3 months aint nowhere worth the risk. I am, however, willing to take that risk for a few Lbs every 3 months.


Junior Creatologist
well put, n to each their own man.

Personally, i would risk mines over a few oz's, because growing just seems like somethin i was meant for, lol. But seriously, it dont matter if your growing one plant or 100 plants, just know your laws. N after that, make a personal descision on what you wanna do, and stick by it, no matter if a cop is questioning you on why you did it, you say "cuz i wanted some fuckin bud you fuckin piece of shit. Stop wasting your time with peaceful non violend pot smokers,and go raid a crackhouse." , or something to that effect. Dont cry and apologize for what you did. Then again, do whatever it takes for them to leave you the fuck alone, but then dont let them scare you into putting the HID n seed down forever. Just let it be a lesson to you, and do things different next time. If your growing, it shouldnt just be a hobby. It should be something that you believe in doing. It aint for the weak hearted.


Well-Known Member
I love growing weed, commercial, hobby, medical, whatever . . . . I just really like growing this plant probably more than smoking it . . . I'm with you man Overgrow the Government!


Well-Known Member
This is one area where being old and gray and boring are assets . . . and it helps in justifying the need to have a cute and barky, vicious little min-pin on the couch. I'm one of the folks who would benefit from spending the rest of my life in prison . . . almost 60, no insurance, no retirement, not eligible for SS (didn't work enough) so I can rest assured that they'll skip me.

Naw, I don't sell weed . . . and I never s t r e t c h the truth.

Yes-siree . . . if you're younger and have anything, the cops can really mess you up.


Junior Creatologist
wuddup fishy, maybe you should start dude. I mean, not nickle n dimin people, but findin yourself a broker - someone who will sell it so you dont have to. Either that or find someone who only buys weight so you only have to fuck with one person any time u need to get rid of somethin. Theres no retirement package in what we do,but then again, theres no limit to how old you have to be to plant a seed, lol.

N thanks for stoppin by brother :D


Well-Known Member
wuddup fishy, maybe you should start dude. I mean, not nickle n dimin people, but findin yourself a broker - someone who will sell it so you dont have to. Either that or find someone who only buys weight so you only have to fuck with one person any time u need to get rid of somethin. Theres no retirement package in what we do,but then again, theres no limit to how old you have to be to plant a seed, lol.
The words in bold are shit to follow by, people think that to sell you gotta be standing outside and driving all over the place...

If you growing the weed or getting it at a substantial level you can sit at the crib and chill and watch that money come in without doing shit:)

Great thread and some great points you made.


Well-Known Member
Well, I did sell a few $100 pounds, pre-1970 . . . and I did run a few trunk loads up the coast from mid-east Florida to Maryland back then.
Yeah, I read The Godfather, twice.


Junior Creatologist
lol. Its all relative man. Thanks for stoppin by, and this seriously should be something that all growers read, when comin into makin a descision like this.


Well-Known Member
K1ng very good points one thing i would like to say just as personal opinion watch putting your money in accounts or laying round house cause the dang coppers can confiscate that too if they want to prove you are doing it for profit I know you never said where you put it and thats cool just money is sometimes a too flashy thing in this line, if thats what you do it for, and I thought that should be pointed out too. My best friend got busted bout 4 years ago with 350 plants total running sog had $53000.00 approx in his safe Tried to say he just didnt like banks court didnt agree though Took everything. I just like enough for myself


Junior Creatologist
Yeah dude, i know that keeping your money in obvious places aint smart. I know the rules, ive been knocked before for doin stupid shit im not gettin into on here.

But yeah there are a million different places you can hide money, as long as you keep shit in a smellproof bag so dogs cant smell the coke thats on your money. And believe me, they can smell it. Just about all money unless its BRAND new has cocaine molecules it. N thats how dogs can sniff it out. If you put your money in a plastic baggie, and then slather vaseline all over it, wrap it in another baggie, and then another baggie, it will be smell proof, and then you can stash your cash in a couple of places that im not gonna name in here. If you wanna know where message me and ill tell you in private. My stash places are straight foolproof.

N also, get a couple of those fake product stashcans. I got a ketchup bottle a pepsi bottle, a spaghetti-os can, a hersheys syrup bottle and an aquafina bottle. Keep all them shits in your fridge except for the chocolate syrup and spaghettios, n it looks normal. My ketchup bottle came with an empty section at the top that i could put ketchup in, and the same with the hersheys bottle, and the aquafina n pepsi bottles. If someone thinks its safe, just open it up, squeeze or pour somethin out, and put that shit back. They work good, but not for stashing serious cash. Use shit like that for putting away some little money that you can keep on hand for yourself in case you ever go broke for a minute n need to break into some emergency cash. But thats a totally different type of emergency than the type that this thread is orignally about ,lol. Good point though :D


Junior Creatologist
Bump - in case people havent read it yet. Just pay attention to the first post. Everything else i wrote is blather - but the first post is something i want as many people as possible to read. Sorry to bump a thread with so many views already, but it seems liek its worth it.