That's a really good movie. It's saddening that a great and passionate man like Aaron Russo has past on.
We need a great many men, great men, to fill the void.
you are that great man my friend and i am that great man . TBT and vi and others are that great man.
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do NOTHING.
resistance is not futile..starve the beast of what it requires..MONEY
do your duty to your family your friends and your country resist tyranny .
it is your DUTY.
do not buy nor sale anything that you do not have to. avoid paying tax for your own enslavement . stop consuming .
this economy and their tax's are based upon your consumption. this is the first step. be prepared for anything and everything there is no excuse .it might mean your life and the life of your family and the survival of your country.