friggin heat


Well-Known Member
garden temps got above 110 today, it so fucking hot im dying here. My plants are not enjoying it either


Well-Known Member
My plants are in raised beds with several inches of mulch. Soil temps stay in the 70's or lower. I water daily during hot spells.


Active Member
I feel ya! I dont have anything outside but its still so fuckin hot I had to switch my dark period to the daytime and run my 1000w at night. Hang in there!


garden temps got above 110 today, it so fucking hot im dying here. My plants are not enjoying it either
i feel your pain, we hit the same today, 110, and tomorow and the next day are going to get worse, but we are supposed to have some good rain the next couple days too, my baby realy doesnt seem to mind the heat much, her roots must stay quite a bit cooler than the plant because, right where she is comin out of the ground that part of the ground never really see's sunlight, but from about 4 inches above get direct sun all day. dont sweat it, just give her some water and she'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
all my plants are in containers, my backyard is composed primarly of red clay and diatomacious earth so there is no drainage. when it rains my yard floods so container garden is the only way to go.


friggen humidity has been over 70 and temps of 95 friggen miserable, plants hate it, I have to water like every other day..


Active Member
Yeah the high today was 98, and with this high humidity it felt like 105. I actually had two plants that got burnt a little in my greenhouse. Shade clothes, and fans do wonders. Hang in there, and we'll all sweat to death together! Good luck with your grow. Cheers.

Wheeler man

Active Member
Water,Water,Water!!!If you are growing in containers,you need to shade the pot as much as possible.KKeep your soil cool,and watered and you will see some great growth.These plants love the heat,as long as you keep up with th H2O!Good luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
my soil already retains to much moisture check my journal and view the myriad of problems I am having this year. They are no longer in the green house though, it was getting well over 105 in there everyday
Howdy! I'm a Desert dweller and do 100+ temps a good portion of the year.Hope this might help some,may be not now but at some time in the future.I grow from seed to harvest out doors all organic.Before for i set my seedlings I sink a gallon milk jug about 4-6 1n. from where my seed will live. With constant high temps and a slight breeze
the top 8 to 10 in of top soil dries out.(REAL Quick ) so I bottom feed with a slow drip down to the roots . My little Tarts love it they dont have to look hard for a cocktail. I' m all organic and lazy. I use HUMATE SUPREME 3-2-1 tablets,1 per gallon jug 1 week on 1 week clear water.So I deep feed my roots,give em nuts.and water twice a day takes about 10 mins. Then I induldge in my favorite past time untill I have to water again. Told Ya. I'am LAZY
(Happy Trails)


Well-Known Member
Water,Water,Water!!!If you are growing in containers,you need to shade the pot as much as possible.Keep your soil cool,and watered and you will see some great growth.These plants love the heat,as long as you keep up with th H2O!Good luck to ya!
Wheeler said it. When growing in containers, outdoors, the pots need to be painted white and/or shaded. A few inches of mulch will help as well.


Global Moderator
Staff member
garden temps got above 110 today, it so fucking hot im dying here. My plants are not enjoying it either
I remember shit like that growing up in S Fla.
Here's what we are dealing with today.

Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 50s to mid 60s.
Southwest wind to 15 mph, humidity 87%.