LSD is 100% AwesomeNessTastic.. i've read if you have a current mental illness, or a hereditary mental illness in your family your not diagnosed with, it can bring it out as kinda a permanent state..
-but a bad tab in high school is a bit far out there. im not saying its not true, but how do you know he didnt take acid and get hit by a car while trippin, or dive into an empty pool and somehow get brain damage..
i personaly know someone who got in an 80mph head on collision coming down Big Bear Mnt, had to be re-taught how to tie his shoes at 26 years old.. he seems "out there" now after the accident
i could easily pin LSD on him, and people would believe it. how do you know you weren't getting subconsciously molded to be afraid of LSD..?
me and Lucy get along great