Friend just gave me 4 plants...


Well-Known Member
So my friend just gave me four plants already a ft tall all girls because he has no room...i don't have enough money to buy a hps set up unless he decides to help me..These plants are not in flower yet..What would you do? Don't say throw them out cause i can't bare to do it..i don't even know why im asking because i already know the answers but wanted some opinions..


Well-Known Member
either bend them down and tie them down

or cut them at half or 3/4 and get some cfls and put to flower right away.

or get a 150hps or 250 or something


Well-Known Member
CFL's can do wonders and real cheap just make your self a cheap box of some sort some people even use cardboard add a few light fixtures. Shit you can buy a power strip and use a plug in adapter to a light socket fix add some light bulb wyes to it most hardware stores have and add a bunch of cfls. Check out my cfl grows had 20 bulbs in mine and shit was bomb. Any questions just hit me up most people on here are willing to lend a hand how I learned.


Well-Known Member
Tell your mom you need to borrow $400 to buy some marijuana growing lights, but that you'll pay her back with the money you earn selling the marijuana.


Well-Known Member
if you can't afford lighting for them, why did you take them? As good as throwing them out if you don't get them under decent light soon.


Keep them in veg with cfl's til last frost is done then guerilla that shit if you're that broke. Not the best solution but indoors ain't getting any cheaper.


Well-Known Member
.... Go spend 30$ on 'daylight' cfls at any store, lookup LST training, apply it, keep the cfls close to the plants and start reading up on her e


Well-Known Member
So i got the plants today..beautiful looking mystery indicas not sure the strain ill have to find out. I have 2 40w 48inch bulbs plus i have like 6 26w regular cfls for around the plants. They have been growing in Happy Frog soil and were being fed biocanna nutes on a 16/8 light sched...I will continue with the same soil and nutes...These are still in veg for prolly 2 more months and are from feminized seeds..I will start a blog asap. :) More opinions welcome!


Well-Known Member
So i got the plants today..beautiful looking mystery indicas not sure the strain ill have to find out. I have 2 40w 48inch bulbs plus i have like 6 26w regular cfls for around the plants. They have been growing in Happy Frog soil and were being fed biocanna nutes on a 16/8 light sched...I will continue with the same soil and nutes...These are still in veg for prolly 2 more months and are from feminized seeds..I will start a blog asap. :) More opinions welcome!
Can you put these puppies in the sunlight somewhere?


Well-Known Member
i will most likely do it tomorrow cause i have to run to the hydro store grab some shtuff to replant then set up the lights but they need to wake up before then..I have the perfect spot where the sun comes in and warms it up a bit too..