friend hardcore defoliated couple plants... need some input

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Well-Known Member
UB, that was actually my question... IF my leaves that are there now continue to burn then will the bud be able to eat still or since the leaf is burned then the plant cannot eat therefore, bud growth will stop an MAYBE only mature at current size... my nute burn issue is cause the system leaves nute solution behind in the bucket which roots were always sitting in. I have since raised the roots out of the solution but they will grow back into it im sure. Only way for me to avoid this again is less veg time(these 9 week veg, now on 4 week)

You didnt understand the way i said it BUT you did answer it lol... pretty much without fan leafs the bud cannot break down its nutrients and progress. At the point they are at now my only home is to give it a week or so for new or existing leaves to grow which will then allow buds to get nutrients it needs.

Which then brings me to ANOTHER issue... plant will now focus its energy into GROWTH for leaves and not budding like it was used to doing. So that can make it re-veg, or hermi from the hormone change. So this entire thing just had wasted up to 2 CRUCIAL weeks of what should be bud growth and will now be vegitative growth... sound right? Thats my thoughts of whats to come from my understanding.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
UB, that was actually my question... IF my leaves that are there now continue to burn then will the bud be able to eat still or since the leaf is burned then the plant cannot eat therefore, bud growth will stop an MAYBE only mature at current size... my nute burn issue is cause the system leaves nute solution behind in the bucket which roots were always sitting in. I have since raised the roots out of the solution but they will grow back into it im sure. Only way for me to avoid this again is less veg time(these 9 week veg, now on 4 week)
HUH? What little green material left still needs nutrition and water. Don't take the roots out of the water! Question, do you have some level headed friend that is a gardener? I mean has experience gardening, as in tomatoes, landscaping plants, annuals. You need to hand off your room to someone that understands plant culture.

You didnt understand the way i said it BUT you did answer it lol... pretty much without fan leafs the bud cannot break down its nutrients and progress.
The bud doesn't break down anything unless you mean the healthy and functioning leaves located within the flowering vicinity or the collection of flowers, like the small bud fan leaves and single bud leaves. They're still producing carbos, unless you yanked them off too!

At the point they are at now my only home is to give it a week or so for new or existing leaves to grow which will then allow buds to get nutrients it needs.
Sorry, but you're not going to get new leaf production, and that goes for new roots too. The plant is now (hormonally) focused, engineered, to finish the flowering process. In fact, what it is really "programmed" to do now is produce seeds. The stress induced by the leaf removal just might trigger an AC/DC reaction. Watch for hermies.

If you want more leaves, then you have to give up the flowering response and revert back to the vegetative stage. There are well defined stages that cannabis goes thru that involve chronological age changes and hormonal responses.

Again, what's done is done. Finish the garden up and chalk it up to yet another popular misguided cannabis myth. :)



Well-Known Member
I do thank you for the help on what your saying... but they cannot sit in nute water 24/7. They are in a flood and drain system so not air stone ect. Therefore, they only sit in water 4 times a day for 15min.

I do know that you know that and must have thought i was doing a bubbler or dwc setup. So try to be nice here lol. I know your knowledgeable for sure so even when you kinda say some rude things ill still listen to your advice cause i know you dont mean harm. Prob sick of same responses always... as for plants not growing new leaves for the buds then wtf, these plants will stay this size and im fucked then.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
What is the function of a leaf?

Primary function of the leaves:

Leaves are the physical "platform" for the process of photosynthesis. The cells in the leaf contain chloroplasts; these contain chlorophyll which converts carbon dioxide and water to simple glucose sugars in the presence of sunlight. This food is used (and stored) by the plant to grow and reproduce. As plants are able to produce "food" they are normally referred to as "producers".

Other functions of leaves are:

- To increase the photosynthesising surface area of the plant to maximise the production of food.
- To provide a large surface area for transpiration and gaseous exchange (through the stomata).
- To assist in the collection of water for the plant; some leaves are funnel-shaped in order to actively collect water which is then directed to the roots. Leaves also form a canopy of the tree collecting rainwater from a larger area which is then led (through run-off) to the root zone of the plant.
- The leaves provide shade and shelter to the stem and root system below.

Your production has been pretty much shut down.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I do thank you for the help on what your saying... but they cannot sit in nute water 24/7. They are in a flood and drain system so not air stone ect. Therefore, they only sit in water 4 times a day for 15min.
Misread you. What I've been advising is to finish them up like you normally would, perhaps watching for hermies and not pushing them with too much nutes which they don't need nor can utilize right now. Be happy with what you've got. It's a nice crop.

Sorry to come off as rude, but I just don't get it when folks burn a lot of money and work on supplies and a grow room before they learn what makes a plant tick. Don't put the cart before the horse.



Well-Known Member
UB, thanks for the tips and the sarcasm... ive read tons of your post and your extremely smart guy when comes to plants ect. I will still take in info your put out there but geez yes this is my second grow ever. Im sorry to have posted something not worthy of your advanced sections. I posted here because i seen what a big deal defoliating has been and now whether i like it or not i am living through a "test" of how wrong or right this could do be for the plant. So far yes im scared shitless my plants are fucked cause he trimmed so all fan leafs off and seeing how wrong it is rather than right. The good that comes of this is when people research this they will see my thread with video and picture updates until the harvest.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
..... The good that comes of this is when people research this they will see my thread with video and picture updates until the harvest.
You're still not listening. This kind of nonsense would not happen at all if folks would FIRST learn what makes a plant tick. I even bothered to educate you on the function of a leaf and you're humming about some "test" that may or not help this community? Screw the cannabis community. Most of these guys couldn't find their butts with both hands, reason why they listen and write about a bunch of crap day in and day out.


Well-Known Member
Definitely understandable... thats the thing about the internet. Its not all facts and after awhile its easy for people who are getting started to see a hype or see so much talk about something like this and think "there must be some reasoning to it" whereas from everything ive read. There is not at all. Its 100% acts as a negitive... so many threads on this subject and all not finished with side by side comparisons except 1. Its the same one i think everyone uses as an example for every new thread about it...

For anyone tagging along for the ride now, my plants were NOT defoliating throughout veg or at all period. This was week 4 of flower they were defoliated as per another thread a friend read online stating the buds get all the light and leaves were not needed cause they already grew the roots for plants and there job is done in flowering. This thread can be used as for an example of what happens when a plant is defoliated(stripped of all fan leaves) in flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
I agree with ub, the plant will use up the leafs that are no good and when they are 50% dead is the only time I remove em, to avoid bugs. Your plant will naturally let the leafs that aren't helping die and revert the energy somewhere else . Oh yeah idk if u know uncle Ben, but you spelled efficiency wrong in your sig
Edit: efficiacy is the capability to produce an effect. Lol learn something new every day


Well-Known Member
I apologize beforehand if im using any terminology or wording that "parrots" anyone elses posts here. Just using common sense and nothing else, ie all the research we should do to understand our plants functions and needs, how can we know whats better for our plants than nature? In other words, if a plant grows leaves, how can we say this is wrong? A little common sense can go a long way. Dont beat it up if ya love it. This post might not be in exact allignment with this thread but after reading so many on this defoliating topic i had to throw in my 2 cents. Peace


Well-Known Member
You're still not listening. This kind of nonsense would not happen at all if folks would FIRST learn what makes a plant tick. I even bothered to educate you on the function of a leaf and you're humming about some "test" that may or not help this community? Screw the cannabis community. Most of these guys couldn't find their butts with both hands, reason why they listen and write about a bunch of crap day in and day out.
Just saying, its already done the damage and now atleast when people look topic up they will see... not doing it for a test. Hell, if i wanted to do a test for the community i wouldnt have stopped him at 2 of 12 plants. Trust me seeing them makes me cringe and upsets me cause i know the value im loosing. I am listening to you and reading what you saying as someone who is plenty more knowledgeable than myself to learn from.


New Member
Oh the joys of having multiple hands in the garden , works fine when there is a Chief .. No Chief and your warriors will do as they like ... Sounds like a case of too many warriors and no Chief ..

Next time Bitch Slap anyone who does such , I surely would .. But then again those that visit my garden are guests and they know how to act accordingly !

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Oh the joys of having multiple hands in the garden , works fine when there is a Chief .. No Chief and your warriors will do as they like ... Sounds like a case of too many warriors and no Chief ..

Next time Bitch Slap anyone who does such , I surely would .. But then again those that visit my garden are guests and they know how to act accordingly !
kinda one of my rules is to not let ANYONE into my room. I treat it like a lab. I wear different clothes and shoes just to go in there. Friends only invite unwanted things into your garden.


Well-Known Member
Well him and i are in this together as you can see good chunk of money in it... we both learning all the time. IMO, i do more readin on dailly basis and although i may not completely know plants in and out functions, i do know stripping the plant nakid is stupid an he read something an believed it not knowing about fan leafs importance because what he read states otherwise.

Not saying i dont care what he did cause i bugged when it happened BUT i cannot act as if i know whats right and wrong and he does not. Live and learn, in this case it costed us about a lb worth in 2 plants(expected anyways, i WISH they swell up an grow but according to facts of nature thats just not likely.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Well him and i are in this together as you can see good chunk of money in it... we both learning all the time. IMO, i do more readin on dailly basis and although i may not completely know plants in and out functions, i do know stripping the plant nakid is stupid an he read something an believed it not knowing about fan leafs importance because what he read states otherwise.

Not saying i dont care what he did cause i bugged when it happened BUT i cannot act as if i know whats right and wrong and he does not. Live and learn, in this case it costed us about a lb worth in 2 plants(expected anyways, i WISH they swell up an grow but according to facts of nature thats just not likely.
Guess those 2 plants are HIS


Well-Known Member
I lol-ed at that... it was a thought at one time but im sure my time will come when i do something to cost us.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
IMO, i do more readin on dailly basis and although i may not completely know plants in and out functions, i do know stripping the plant nakid is stupid an he read something an believed it not knowing about fan leafs importance because what he read states otherwise.
Suggests your friend is looking for love in all the wrong places. :)



Well-Known Member
I'm really eager to see how much difference there is just because! There has been so much talk about how much will be lost, and all your plants are similar in size so you should be able to get a decent average per plant. My guess is that they are each within 1-2 oz of the average but only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
If they dont grow anymore than im expecting quite the loss from the 2... my tops alone are 2liter bottle thick when done. Right now they are not close to that. So if i growth is done for the 2 of them right now (not even halfway through flower) then its a HUGE hit.


Well-Known Member
Just saying, its already done the damage and now atleast when people look topic up they will see... not doing it for a test. Hell, if i wanted to do a test for the community i wouldnt have stopped him at 2 of 12 plants. Trust me seeing them makes me cringe and upsets me cause i know the value im loosing. I am listening to you and reading what you saying as someone who is plenty more knowledgeable than myself to learn from.
I did it. Won't do it again.defoiliation3 003.jpgdefoiliation3 006.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 016.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 023.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 025.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 028.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 029.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 030.jpgmiddleof8thweekstrawberry 031.jpg wasnt worth the energy.... and for all those who told me so. so.
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