Fried's Jack Herer Outdoor Grow 09!


Well-Known Member
hey whaddup guys!
long time no speak
the reason is...
car accident
bad car accident broke both my legs in 2 places and had a bad concussion
was in a coma for 3 days lucky sam stayed by my side and never left
wow yea u guys feared the worst sumthin bad did happen
now im in ecovery but they let me out 2 days ago
sorry about any dissapointment
the grow is over
i got busted

Damn man sorry to hear bout that wreck but I'm glad your alright. It was good to hear from you though.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
yeah i got a citation for $100 that im not gunna pay i mean whos gunna throw a man in a wheelchair in jail for an eighth???

Man i cant believe you got busted, got in a car crash, broke your two legs in two places and now your in a wheel chair...Bad year man, realy bad year.

So bad im laughing my face off at how comicly bad it is :mrgreen::lol::mrgreen:

Fuck thats bad shit man.

Good luck in the coming years then ;-)

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
thanks bro
yea ive been having mishaps latley with my last plant
4 branches fell off one of witch was the cola not even ready yet
hey if i smoked not ready yet bud will i still get high
0if i packed it in a bowl after drying under a light[i have no patience left]
i mean i spent my whole summer on this lil project
next spring-summer is gunna be a monster grow most definently
at least 40 plants

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
thanks bro
yea ive been having mishaps latley with my last plant
4 branches fell off one of witch was the cola not even ready yet
hey if i smoked not ready yet bud will i still get high
0if i packed it in a bowl after drying under a light[i have no patience left]
i mean i spent my whole summer on this lil project
next spring-summer is gunna be a monster grow most definently
at least 40 plants

Im going to try get a few more going next year myself. Everything is going well this year so far apart from some height issues, fingers crossed tho theres still a few weeks left on them.

Are all your plants fucked now or what? Thats rough.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
Im going to try get a few more going next year myself. Everything is going well this year so far apart from some height issues, fingers crossed tho theres still a few weeks left on them.

Are all your plants fucked now or what? Thats rough.
yea i just cut the last one it wasnt ready but i dont wana get caught and i have no where to hide it from weather