Fresh Harvest Moments Ago!!!!!

The Dr.

Active Member
There a 4 Beautiful plants hanging to dry after months of care and worry. It is truly amazing to make it all the way on my first grow. Check it out. I'll add more pics tomorrow.


The Dr.

Active Member
The plants are quite heavy, if I were to guess a final weight, based on what I see...I think it should be at least 6-8oz. All outdoor by the way. I learned a lot from, its such a great resource. Already looking forward to next year.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey Dr, When you go to manicure those Buds, you are going to wish you had done most of the manicureing before you hung them to dry. You will see in a few days why I say this.


Well-Known Member
this gives me hope, when you say shwag bagseed

i would say a prayer thanking your creator for those might fine 'shwag seed'


Well-Known Member
Hey Dr, When you go to manicure those Buds, you are going to wish you had done most of the manicureing before you hung them to dry. You will see in a few days why I say this.
very true. id at least cut all the fan leaves off, maybe even every leaf with a stem. but its all completely up to you. it will not only speed the drying but make a lot less work for you later in the long run.

The Dr.

Active Member
I did trim all the leaves last night, but should I also trim the branches down or leave the plant whole? I imagine it would dry quicker when its all broken down.

The Dr.

Active Member
One Beautiful Cola!! I only wish I could describe what the smell is like as easily as taking a picture. It's strong...mostly piney, sweet, and a little skunky .


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Well-Known Member
Ooooh man! I really really really hope my first grow looks half as good as those, excellent job man! +1rep wow!