Fresh cut...some Brainstorm action...


Well-Known Member
Today was harvest. Here are three pics of Dutch Passion's Brainstorm. I cut the whole plant on day 57. I gotta's a great strain to grow. Had a DNA lemon skunk that had hissy fit after hissy fit...the Brainstorm just kept chugging along. BS was 2 weeks behind the Lemon...outgrew her by double...and yield looks to be about triple.

I've tried some lemon's still early as it's only been curing for about 10 days...but the high is nice and the smoke smells very floral. Not quite getting a lemon flavor though...more floral like the smell. Maybe after a few more weeks of cure...anyhoot back to BS.

This plant also has a citrus/floral smell to her.

The pics were taken only a few hours after harvest. General FYI...both strains were pretty low odor in grow. I'd even call the BS's smell practically non-existant unless you bumped her and then very floral/lemony smell.

