Fresh air intake needed?


Active Member
That sounds kind of stupid from someone growing in DWC.
If you run a decent airstone then there is plenty of O2 in the water for plant roots.
But if you stick your whole head in that same water for 10 minutes you're dead.

And if you don't use an airstone in DWC your plants will not do well.
Even though there is more then enough O2 in the room where a man could survive easily.
Yea maybe you're looking too much into it and can work on something more important that will improve your grow.
Something I dont understand is how Kratky bucket uses an air gap and direct no air input vs DWC.


Well-Known Member
Kratky does work.
But it has also to do with getting a lower level of water as well.

My reaction was more that the remark your friend made is so useless.
Of course in general it is the case that when there is enough O2 for a person, there will also be enough for a plant.


Well-Known Member
I think all schoolkids know this.
So what is your point?
It is irrelevant for us growers when it comes to having a sealed room yer or no. But thanks for the info!

The rest of your post I don't really understand, but that's ok.

Just this: Creating a room sealed in such a way that no smell will escape, is almost impossible.
If you think it is... go for it.
But I think otherwise and most growers with sealed rooms where I live agree with me.
how is it irrelevant when you’re the one quoting air exchange for in a sealed grow for the roots?

you realise how roots draw air into them through irrigation?

my only point that I was initially making is that a sealed room is exactly that sealed.

if done correctly then AC dehuey Huey Co2 Etc are all used along with an environmental controller and a stand alone fan and filter is used to reduce the smell from within the sealed grow.

you’re the one talking about sealed rooms require venting.

I agree, to create a completely sealed room in most growers cases is not viable and can cause more issues.

but if the correct equipment is used it’s called TEXAS GROWING.

As you don’t understand me similarly I don’t fully understand you and as such we may be saying the same things but translation may be an issue.


Well-Known Member
I am not talking about venting.
I am talking about creating under pressure to prevent smell to escape. That you use an exhaust fan for that, is right.

I know how plants work and I know how they exchange gasses.
But they are irrelevant for this discussion.
The fact that plants uptake O2 and exhale CO2 is right in itself, but it is irrelevant in this discussion.
Same thing with uptaking CO2 and exhaling O2.
It is general knowledge (hopefully) but not relevant for the discussion wether you need or do not need intake fan and/or exhaust fans in a sealed room.

Texas Growing, sealed rooms are all theoretical 100% sealed room.
In the real world they hardly exist.
So smell can always escape. Smell is nothing more then molecules of the original smelly material. Molecules can slip through tiny gaps.
That is why it is wiser to always have under pressure if you want to prevent smell from escaping.


Well-Known Member
Most important. Knowing the options, and determining what works best for your situation/grow method, etc...

Depending on the time of year and my choice.
I am able to run a sealed room, with no venting.
Same room, able to run with venting. (intake/exhaust fan)
Same room, able to run hybrid mode - sealed, with venting.

No matter what, there's almost always a reason to have venting available.
Burn sulfer, vent to clear and air out the room. etc..

It's fun, yet challenging to manage our indoor environments.


Well-Known Member
You are right.
Sometimes you add something to your room like sulfer or a pesticide or a cleaning chemical for example that venting afterwards is required.
I think to have an exhaust fan available - even if you grow in circumstances where you don't have to be afraid of smell escaping - is always wise.


This kind of got confusing. Thanks for taking the time to respond and help. So what I was able to take away from all this. Is that I should turn off my 4inch fresh air duct and plug it off. And do the same with the 6inch exhaust duct? Then that's a sealed room? So no body will drop dead from the lack of fresh air/o2 and spraying co2? My goal is to introduce co2 in the room with co2 bottle style.


Well-Known Member
This kind of got confusing. Thanks for taking the time to respond and help. So what I was able to take away from all this. Is that I should turn off my 4inch fresh air duct and plug it off. And do the same with the 6inch exhaust duct? Then that's a sealed room? So no body will drop dead from the lack of fresh air/o2 and spraying co2? My goal is to introduce co2 in the room with co2 bottle style.
Sweet having a mini split.

Correct. You should not need the fan powered up. No venting necessary. It's there if you need it.

Blocking the vent tubing is fine.

I don't block my vents, because I vent intermittently after lights out.


Sweet having a mini split.

Correct. You should not need the fan powered up. No venting necessary. It's there if you need it.

Blocking the vent tubing is fine.

I don't block my vents, because I vent intermittently after lights out.
Are you in the attic as well? This is my 1st summer and its been 100°F all summer!! My mini split is starting to stress and freeze up.


Sweet having a mini split.

Correct. You should not need the fan powered up. No venting necessary. It's there if you need it.

Blocking the vent tubing is fine.

I don't block my vents, because I vent intermittently after lights out.
I spend a lot of time in my room. I have concerns about me dropping dead in a completely sealed room with the lack of o2 and 1200ppm co2 in the air. Have you experience this?


Well-Known Member
I'm in a garage, so no issues with low o2. Not that Im aware of!

Assuming you are using a Co2 controller that maintains and displays real time ppm levels.

Imma mini split dummy.

RIUs @Renfro is fantastic with his mini split experience.


Well-Known Member
Yea maybe you're looking too much into it and can work on something more important that will improve your grow.
Something I dont understand is how Kratky bucket uses an air gap and direct no air input vs DWC.
Kratky works because while the plant absorbs water, it lowers the water level as well creating an “air zone” for the roots.
The only upside to kratky I see is if you’re running 50+ plants, you don’t have the need for the extra electricity for pumps.
I’ve never seen a mass krat grow before, tho it’s probably happening I just don’t know.
You leave #’s at the door when you decide to go that route.


Well-Known Member
I spend a lot of time in my room. I have concerns about me dropping dead in a completely sealed room with the lack of o2 and 1200ppm co2 in the air. Have you experience this?
1200 ppm is not dangerous at all. It is very common in schoolclasses for example.
But a funny thing will happen when you will be in the room for several hours. Because humans exhale CO2, you will see the CO2 level on your meter rise to above 3000 perhaps.
I doubt that you room will be sealed 100%, but if it really is, open the door when you are working in there for several hours. Humans need a lot of O2.
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