Freeze dry question and bud inspection

Had a friend get some bud from another. The guy tries to pass off crap for premo. Well he said he freeze dried this bud and the black stuff is from it. I smelled bullsheet!! I thought it looked like mold myself. very far along mold to where it's turned necro. what do you think. ever seen black crap on bud that was spose to be there? He tried to give him a strain name but i think it was to help pad his bullsheet!! I know in these pictures it may look green but trust me, in real life its black like coal. the last one is the best shot of what i mean. any ideas?


P.S. no flaming, i don't want this stuff seeing flames. I dont smoke mold myself!! :-P
I'm not. Just want to see what others say. My friend is Schizophrenic so it takes more then just me saying something. I'll let this simmer a day and show him the responce. This guy that grew this came from other states where it's legal for medical. So now my friend thinks this guy knows everything. I say this dude is a conartist that is here in Michigan cause there are alot of gullable people out there new to the scene. I figured what happened was he screwed up his crop and this is the last of it. what I seen a few weeks back had bud rot down inside. I figure this is his attempt to dry it out more or what he had sitting around *yuck* festering eww!


Well-Known Member
Lots of good caregivers in Michigan check out some of the Michigan threads if you're looking for a place to get your meds.
I wouldn't risk it either, getting sick from moldy weed sucks! If the bud rot wasn't completely removed than the buds would be tainted with mold. You can usually see the blackness from the mold, and the weed will have a strange smell to it.

That sucks man :(