

Well-Known Member
yeah, there are like 4 or em now.

They have a new one. I guess it is supposed to be rap or something. The one where they are serving drinks at the backyard partay


Active Member
yeah the advertising ploy works though, anytime I think about credit I think about that guy and


Well-Known Member
i like them all the time....also every time i smoke in my room the above the influence commercials come on and i cant hit it cause im laughing for like 20 minutes


Well-Known Member
If its a free credit report how the hell can they afford to bother me like EVERY COMMERCIAL BREAK


Well-Known Member
If its a free credit report how the hell can they afford to bother me like EVERY COMMERCIAL BREAK
actually its a quite ingenious scam that they have going on. they offer to allow you to see your credit reports from the two major companies in charge of keeping up with your credit( i forgot the names). the only problem is that it is free of charge for you to get this information from the companies themselves. what freecreditreport does it offer a subscription service that "monitors" your credit reports and emails you if there is a problem. basically they take your money and give you something you could have had for free

this is similar to the whole text message ringtone commercials. they say that they charge you for a ringtone but its actually a subscription service that charges you monthy for "credits" you can use for other ringtones. the only way to get these to stop is send a special code word such as cancel or stop to the company. the problem is most of these companies have different codewords and it only says it during the commercial at the bottom in the fine print


Well-Known Member
Figured it had to be something like that, most "free" stuff with advertising usually is. They must be making bank though because they churn those commercials out like mad.