Free Weed.......nice deal if you can get it.

Fairy tale time kids
There once was a man.....(you drift off sleepily )
Here we a see a man dreaming of what else he could NOT pay for.
He say's to himself quietly " as long as I'm doing fantastic, fuck all the others and their problems with paying for overpriced LP weed " and he jerked and jerked and jerked. so happy in his good fortune.

The end !
And another thing Johny is that i believe most Vets get a pension. I'm not sure but I assume if you served you get paid if you retire...maybe i'm wrong.
But my point is that i bet most vets are better off than many sick and disabled folks are. So do you think it's nice to brag on "free meds " for me.
Most of those sick or disabled can't afford Lp weed or what he get's for free.
There spin that Johny.
If he was discreet about it fine....but he was laughing at others and that is pretty wrong.
Then attacks me....uh huh.
And another thing Johny is that i believe most Vets get a pension. I'm not sure but I assume if you served you get paid if you retire...maybe i'm wrong.
But my point is that i bet most vets are better off than many sick and disabled folks are. So do you think it's nice to brag on "free meds " for me.
Most of those sick or disabled can't afford Lp weed or what he get's for free.
There spin that Johny.
If he was discreet about it fine....but he was laughing at others and that is pretty wrong.
Then attacks me....uh huh.
Why don't you do a cursory google search about vets with ptsd and how many commit suicide every year
Yea, why should anyone who puts their life on the line be entitled to medication when they get back and are all fucked up for the rest of their lives?

Self entitled jerks. Who do they think they are?!

I am honestly staying to believe hippy is suffering from psychotic episodes and is very likely schizophrenic.
Yea, why should anyone who puts their life on the line be entitled to medication when they get back and are all fucked up for the rest of their lives?

Self entitled jerks. Who do they think they are?!

I am honestly staying to believe hippy is suffering from psychotic episodes and is very likely schizophrenic.

Grandad did WWI WWII

I guarantee you he did not feel entitled.. you young ones dont get that part

definitely would not run around looking for glory or rub what he did in your face for reason you will never understand..
and I wont help you with that either.

cheers oh confused ears
I apply for food stamps and then buy almost $200 worth of canned sodas and then empty them all out and recycle for weed $$$$$
Ya notice that the fellow who get's free weed isn't commenting here is he????????
Went pretty quiet he did. Maybe he's busy selling his excess to some lousy BM drug dealers.