Mild ? Lol no
The reason it got deleted rather than deleted post plus closed is because it had 74 posts that needed to be deleted but the server kept timing out on me every time I attempted to delete them
So they wouldn't delete so I chose to axe the entire thread
I typically don't delete whole threads but made a decision which I'm allowed to do
Yeah, WTF? I woke up and starting reading through, like, 40 likes from that thread. Then, all of the sudden, they all pointed to an RIU error and the thread was gone! I missed the last 4 pages or so, which must have been JUICY, but I saved the last two that I read for posterity. I wish they'd simply lock these awesome threads instead of deleting them. Yet, the Flat Earth thread is full of the most vile shit and just keeps on going. Smh...
You posted same time as me just quoting since I answered your question
Yeah, WTF? I woke up and starting reading through, like, 40 likes from that thread. Then, all of the sudden, they all pointed to an RIU error and the thread was gone! I missed the last 4 pages or so, which must have been JUICY, but I saved the last two that I read for posterity. I wish they'd simply lock these awesome threads instead of deleting them. Yet, the Flat Earth thread is full of the most vile shit and just keeps on going. Smh...

i bet most problem posts werent in the last for pages most of the last 4 pages were just chatting
Yeah, WTF? I woke up and starting reading through, like, 40 likes from that thread. Then, all of the sudden, they all pointed to an RIU error and the thread was gone! I missed the last 4 pages or so, which must have been JUICY, but I saved the last two that I read for posterity. I wish they'd simply lock these awesome threads instead of deleting them. Yet, the Flat Earth thread is full of the most vile shit and just keeps on going. Smh...

I don't argue with umpires ever since I got thrown out of a little league baseball game...
But I certainly agree with you on that Flat Earth thread...that Flat Earth thread makes everything else seem mild(er).

Like Forest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
Yeah, WTF? I woke up and starting reading through, like, 40 likes from that thread. Then, all of the sudden, they all pointed to an RIU error and the thread was gone! I missed the last 4 pages or so, which must have been JUICY, but I saved the last two that I read for posterity. I wish they'd simply lock these awesome threads instead of deleting them. Yet, the Flat Earth thread is full of the most vile shit and just keeps on going. Smh...

i know sucks the whole threand got deleted i had like 20 something posts and over 50likes in that thread