Free Seeds Contest Jan18-feb18


Well-Known Member
Ok guys

This month contest is an easy one, whoever can take a and get the best picture, this month will win a 10 pack of MEGAMIX

This contest is brought to you once again by Golden Seed.

How to Play

Take anything you want and write on it, then take a camera and shoot away, get creative on this one you can do anything you want.

To post your picture start a new thread in toke and talk and attach your picture to the thread, then attach a poll to the thread so users can rate the best picture. Once you are done come back to this thread and post the link to your thread in toke and talk.

At the end of the month I will tally up the votes and declare the winner.


By submitting your picture you will waive your rights to the picture over to If we get a good one we might use it for promotional purposes.
thats it guys come on... get us some better pictures. You wanted a contest that would be on a level playing field.
Winning what whitey, you aint winning anything, 1 its a borrowed photo 2 you havent put a post up about it with a poll for people to vote you the winner
got one for ya guys a mindbender hermph ,,,,,,,,,male on bottm female on top. damn i wish it was bigger its damn perrty the way it is. (aint got a digital camera or a scanner). but it is damn perrty. and ya call me strange got a joint