free nurients


Active Member
idk if this goes here but its kinda cool. is a place where you dont have to pay money to join right. well you play games and download shit for points and after enough points you get free shit off of amazon and you dont pay shipping or anything. a friend just turned me on to it and its cool. they have all the major brands like advanced nutrients GH fox farm blah blah blah and lights and all that shit. go sign up and tell me what you think. its not fast but in a few minutes of spare time day by day before you know it youll have enoug points for whatever you want.


Active Member
Ehhh idk about this. They ask for about 4k worth of 'points' to get the nutes that are worth like $50 and about 28k for a Secret Jardin dr120. Yet every activity you do is worth anywhere from 5-15 points and they take about 5-10minutes to do each. Not worth my time for something free, Id rather save $$ and buy instead of wasting time on here. Not for me but it might be for someone else