Free money online at home $$


Mr I Can Do That For Half
smok its not my site to say that but ya could have givien me at least 24 hours of being first lol but your doing it the right way lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The first time I dont get paid Ill stop but they have worked for me and I do alot of other focus and survey types to that I have gotten paid for and gotten free items for..Secret shopping is fun too they let you keep the stuff and reimburst you for it.thats how I got my big screen lcd lol


Well-Known Member
uh i just looked at 2 websites and wrote 2 sentences and gave me 6 dollars...somethings weird about isnt this easy.


Well-Known Member
I have however just noticed that they were shut down for 1 year and then reopened under new management in 2007 so maybe they are no longer a scam site.
If you are getting paid fletch then maybe its for real now:blsmoke:


Active Member
another 2 sites that i know for sure that pay out is american consumer opinion and pinecone research you have to be invited to pinecone tho


Well-Known Member
Ok dude i signed up to this kind of thing a long time ago and learnt my lesson then.
I am surprised that they ever paid you as awsurveys are known scammers and on the list to avoid at all costs:blsmoke:

AWSurveys scammed us!
That entire website was made just to hate on A.W. Surveys. I think that AdverCash (the company that put the site up) didn't like the competition so they made an excuse to hate on A.W.

Just my thoughts...


Well-Known Member
That entire website was made just to hate on A.W. Surveys. I think that AdverCash (the company that put the site up) didn't like the competition so they made an excuse to hate on A.W.

Just my thoughts...
I thought that as soon as i saw it hater site lol but i checked them properly and they were shut for a year and then they reopened under new management so hopefully everyones getting paid now :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
companies pay web agencies to find people like us to evaluate their shit...............this is all i can come up with...ill fuck with it, if i don't get paid, fine.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
i did the same type of thing making fake users on a site. It was and when you refer new people you get 100 pts and that's 10 cents in gift cards they'd give you. It was an easy way to get a few extra bucks when I'm sitting around with nothing to do. The only problem is I went to log in recently (i havent been on in a few months) and it said my account was under internal review or something :O


Well-Known Member
I just completed all the surveys they would let me do. 27 bucks and it took like 20 mins. So when do they give me more surveys to fill out?


Well-Known Member
i know websites will pay money for each hit they get but not 2 dollars a hit or a question...thats rediculous. i wonder how they would pull this off.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
They usually add more surveys sometimes each week sometimes just each month.The fees they pay are small.If you do in person surveys you know they pay $75-100 an hour minimum so to pay $27 to get input on like 20 sites is very very cheap.Then they get paid to sponsor the other pay sites in the other paying sites section.Its worked for me and I do alot of other surveys too.NPD has paid me also but they are alot harder to get a good payout on.Work your refferals.


Well-Known Member
I have done these surveys in the past. They do work and they will pay you. the only thing is you will only make about $20-$40 a month per site. Does not seem worth it....but if you run 10 survey sites at a time you can pull in $300 a month. It will be about a 4-5 hour a day job. It is not free money by no means but it is easy money if you keep up with it.
You can also get into sample groups where they send you sample packets of Tuna or Hamberger Helper new flavor....not bad but like i said, its not free money, you will work for that $300 a month.

I actually did something similar to what FF is doing. I held online classes with a chat group and taught them how to make an extra $300 a month....of course i gave my referal links out to have them sign up so the referals are important if you plan on working this at all. I should check those sites now cuz its been sure some of my referals are still active.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I say its free money as it takes about 10 minutes to do the usualy 6-8 surveys then about 5 minutes to post your refferal link on a bunch of websites then just sit back and let the referalls rack up.Making a hundred aday at these type sites is pretty much easy as can be and if you can do that with 15 minutes of time thats good as free to me lol I like the local focus groups better thought as they pay cash that day and you get a free lunch or dinner or even products with your cash.