Free mistakes - that you don’t have to make


I’m not a good enough grower to tell anyone how to do anything but I can share some phuck-ups I’ve made so you don’t have to.

1. When is your the dark period in bloom?
My latest grow was this summer. I thought I‘d
put my dark period in the daytime to help keep
grow room temps down.
I set my bloom dark hours between 8:00 AM to
8:00 PM.
If you’re active after 8:00 PM no problem but if
you’re like me, you’re winding down at 8 and
you probably aren’t going to be taking on
projects at that time of night.

So I find myself getting up at 5 AM to do my nute (hydro) changes.
Then when you are working in there you know you’ve got a time limit hanging over your head.

Next grow I’m going to have my light period during my personal active hours.
So that’s mistake #1 on this grow.
That's a good point. My light schedule is 10 pm on/10 am off (flower) and 10 pm on/4 pm off (veg), since I am disabled and never go anywhere, I can keep whatever schedule I want. I find myself now having fully adapted to the plants light schedule, I am in bed going to sleep by 4 pm in the afternoon, getting up by 11 pm at night, last night I was watering between 2 and 4 am. I actually tried to avoid this by getting up early, I was always up by 3 or 4 am anyway, but I gradually kept getting up earlier and earlier until now I am up all night. Fine with me, this is my job as far as I am concerned. Pics two days ago:
2. Fail #2 was not making my grow room big enough or putting in too many plants. My grow room is built into my basement and has a 4’ x 8’ footprint. This is simply too small for 8 or even 6 plants. My yield was okay, from six plants I got a little over 2 lbs. of bud. But it was really difficult to properly tend the plants in this tight of space.

I’m sure people with grow tents may find this hard to grasp but with solid walls you can’t just pull a zipper to tend to the plants from outside. When all the walls are solid and your plants start to spread it gets hard to get into the plants in back.

For my next grow I’m expanding the foot print to 8’ x 8’ and cutting back to only 4 plants.
For my next grow I’m expanding the foot print to 8’ x 8’ and cutting back to only 4 plants.
That's ridiculous.

I run 12 in a framed 6x9. After week 2 of flowering, it's next to impossible to get at the ones in the back. It doesn't matter though, as they've all been lollipopped by then.

4 in an 8x8 is dumb unless you're mainlining tf out of them.
Morning Wizz.

Was going to go fishing but winds are gusting up to 30 mph. Being out in a blow up dingy ain't the ticket on these days hahaha.

But the wife just accepted the fact that I want a John boat with a motor.

Found one for $500. Runs good. Probably gonna secure that next week.