• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Free marc emery!!!!


Active Member
Green Aid Activist: Marc Emery is Still in Solitary Confinement and Could Be There Even Longer...

After Marc Emery's wife, Jodie Emery, recorded a prison call with Marc to upload as a podcast (not against prison rules), Marc has been in solitary confinement (aka "the hole") for over a week with potentially another two months to go. He now spends 24 hours a day with no stimulation: newspapers, books, magazines, human interaction. </U>This is cruel and unusual punishment</U>

Marc Emery is a political prisoner: the Disciplinary Hearing Officer interrogated Marc about his article supporting the California initiative, Tax & Regulate, that he wrote and sent while in SeaTac Federal Prison, and asked what the BC Marijuana Party does and is about.

Supporters should contact United States Attorney General Eric Holder to protest the "cruel and unusual" punishment of a non-violent offender. This type of punishment violates the 8th amendment of the United States Bill of Rights.

First and foremost, repost this information on your blog, facebook, myspace or twitter. Information is the most powerful weapon we have.

Next: Call the Office of the Attorney General, (202) 514-2001 (202) 514-2001

Tell them this: "Canadian political party leader and activist Marc Emery has been unjustly held in solitary confinement for over two weeks in SeaTac Federal Detention Center in Washington state. Marc Emery faces many more months in solitary, even though he is a non-violent offender whose crime was legal in his country.

We as Americans are furious about the cruel and unusual punishment Canadian activist Marc Emery is suffering. I ask that you intervene in this case, it is a waste of state, federal and local resources and in direct opposition to your statements about medical marijuana and individual state rights.


Well-Known Member
the USA ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD period fuckin neo nazi just look at the judge that blocked the President's order to stop oil drilling all because he has like $30,000 in shares in oil im pretty sure thats illegal right there

Brick Top

New Member
Possibly more people might have more sympathy now for Marc Emery if he had not ripped off so many of them while a seed vendor.

What goes around, comes around.

Karma ...... it's a real bitch.

Brick Top

New Member
Check out a few of the very, very, VERY MANY negative things said about Marc Emery in the past. The messages below are from back in 2003 and then later in 2005. The first one clearly says what could rightly be said about the person who started this thread, well, maybe who started both threads about Marc Emery ... I say maybe because I did not check to see who started the other ... but if it was someone else everyone can rest assured that it was not a coincidence that the two threads were started about Marc Emery.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: BOBs]
#1767790 - 08/01/03 01:06 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
oh man. I think its so funny he basically has his own little publicity ring which glorifies him.

edit; he obviously need's it.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: kief]
#1763599 - 07/30/03 07:19 PM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
He charges for F2 ripoffs of other people's genetics for more than what you can get f1 origionals for from the breeder, or way more than what you can get F2s for from other distributors.

If you want to make a real contribution, buy your seeds from someone else, then donate $100 to a real reform group.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: TheHobbit]
#1762243 - 07/30/03 10:59 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
"Cost-wise, $300 for top shelf seeds really isn't that bad as long as they're feminized (which is what the really expensive ones usually are) and you don't fuck up the grow;"

as many have said marc emery is a rip off, and 300$ for seeds you can buy for 150 or less elsewhere is a total ripoff. but people buy fromh im because they dont know any better.
its a known fact he charges 2x's more for seeds then other sites...

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754672 - 07/28/03 03:51 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I have heard a lot of negative reports from others about his business practices (ie. ripping off seed orders, sending inferior seeds, stealing genetics from breeders) My guess without any first hand knowledge is he's probably solely concerned with his own well being.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: cherokee]
#1754487 - 07/28/03 01:54 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
he sucks don't ever buy seeds from him he rips people off selling them schwag seeds or nothing at all! read about him on overgrow.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754425 - 07/28/03 01:24 AM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I hate him because he capatalizes off of marijuana. He sells some seeds for $300. From a plant that grows in the ground.

Re: Marc Emery
[Re: PDU]
#1754166 - 07/27/03 11:10 PM (6 years, 10 months ago)
Quick Reply
I think he does what he does just as publicity stunts to promote his business. Things happen that he had nothing to do with, and people give him credit for it. For some reason some people think he has helped with the decriminalization of marijuana. I can't really see how anything he has done could have resulted in that.


Posts: n/a

my emery had seeds selling for most unreal prices,,,

a g-note for one seed ,, a filing cabinet filled with ziplock big bags, and rediculously priced seeds,, sold individually,,,

at that time i figured him out,,, bought elsewhere,,, he wasnt the only seed seller in vancouver,,,


Buffalo Bill
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: on the Gulf of Mexico
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We americans do not to have anything to do with the child abusing, rip off artist. He should not go to jail for selling seeds, but karma has a strange way of working out. Perhaps, he should pay for screwing all of those 13 year old girls/groupies that he has had worshiping him for free weed or whatever, for years! My $.02 worth....
Life is Good!

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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: opengrow/sannies
Posts: 992

THARS A PROBLEM HERE: people from bc and western canada had business dealings with the conman and thief known as m.s. emery long before he started his boogus seedbank. this is where you could buy dutch and other premium seeds for the same price as in europe. me stated that he made no money on the transactions. we bought several thousand dollars of dutch passion seeds from his seedbank and grew up ragweed. this was fer compassion clubs and medical mj people in bc and alberta. i then contacted dutch passion only to learn that they had never heard of m.s. emery; nor had any of several other seedbanks that he claimed to have seeds from.
dutch passion sent us premium seeds FREE so that we could deliver the mj to the people in need. he is lucky to be still alive. then came the bust which made him a martyr; with his gift of "the gab", poor me was the slogan.

he stated in writing that he had donated 400,000 dollars to the medical communities. this figure is now stated as 4,000,000. he moved from bc, 1 step ahead of the hells angel's who wanted to speak with him and settled in a "protective" enviroment in ontario. because of the media and his own magazine promotions; he is now "the prince of pot". well, let the americans support him if they wish because very few BC'ers want him back nor would give a thin dime fer him. you can make yer own choices as to what he really is now, maybe he really is a spokesman now due to karma. i just dont trust him nor would i ever give him a penny more.

back from the dungeon and well behaved.......honest

Pay attention to this one:

Marco Renda
Founder & Publisher of TY

Join Date: May 2005
Location: Canada
Posts: 9,170

Alison I am speaking of my own personal court battles. I was offered assistance for my current charges as when I first got charged Marc still hadn't been arrested.

As a matter of fact when I got busted for sending 3 exemptees FREE MMJ I asked Marc for help and he refused to help me so I never again asked for his assistance and I never will even if I am in dire straights!

Take Care and Peace

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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: opengrow/sannies
Posts: 992

alison; you said it yerself, my dear. you already "HAD MEDIA COVERAGE" so mse just jumped onto your bandwagon to get the credit and cost him 10 ripped off medical seed buys. i salute your mission, my friend but i'd squat over marc.

and my computer hiccup caused the duplicate post, no sweat, i deleted 1.

p.s. i hate that expression: marc DONATED. you cant donate money that doesnt exist - why do you think he is up on laundering money charges? he had no income, neither did al capone. we, the medical and mj community DONATED our money to the causes.

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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: NW Nevada
Posts: 18

Personally I do not particularly like Mr. Emery.
The man made and lost millions of dollars.
He screwed up with some south american land (or some other
foreign land) deals and he lost his shirt.

His seed prices were ALWAYS way to high.
He made his money and talked a good game when he was in trouble.
Now he wants people to send him donations for his defense.
What is wrong with his own cash?
Would he send you or I money to help with our defense.
I do not think so.

Just my opinion.

Senior Member

Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 694

He does not represent the medical mj community at all - all he represents is himself.

That emeroid is nothing more than a PITA.

He or someone at his co ratted out a prostate cancer patient who bought seed from him & his co.

My good friend died from being busted & from a lack of meds due to his information being released
by Emeroid & co.
It was in the court disclosure documents where they got the information.
The charges were dropped because he died.

My dear friend isn't the only one he did this to. Emeroid & co fed the police

just enough info so they'd look the other way so they could stay in business.

I have no use for people who use others to get ahead. He walked on the

backs of those most in need.

Nuff said.


Brick Top

New Member

If Marc Emery was such a magnanimous munificent philanthropist and human being why did people bother going to the trouble to make things like the above?​