Free Grow Videos

he does it on the cheap and pulls it off man wish i had seen this befor blowing a grand on kit :twisted: but im new and we all have to start some where
must admit this experience is addictive baby sitting plants and watching them through each process is as good as watching the aquarium im into my first week of flowering and await with anticipation as to the sex of the plants fingers arms and legs all x :mrgreen:
uh oh, you've caught the virus. I think everybody starts out thinking, wow free bud if I grow! but ends up falling in love with the whole process. It's seriously a kickass hobby with a happy ending. God speed on the grow soldier
Does anyone know where i can get one of those drip manifolds he uses in the veg room?? It first appears at 16:40. Possibly at a canadian retailer?

Cheers, pass it to the left.
I love the song at the beginning, goes great with the rest of the video and Mr. Green is an absolute legend.

Me and my friends are into film making and my friend and I have started a small little community production project; once i can set up a proper big grow room I'll be painting myself green and making a documentary for myself!
In the Top Quality Home Growing - Google Video
video does anyone know where I can get a pump like the one in the trash can with the hose attached? I only know of on-demand pumps but can only find 12V or pumps that are a constant flow, like a sump pump, but that wouldn't work with an on/off nozzle on the hose. IF nothing else what is that kind of pump called? Thanks!!!
If you go to, you can download the dude from High Times', Jorge Cerventes? grow video. Use the search term "Jorge ultimate." You will need to download something like "Azureus vuze" once you download the .torrent from isohunt. It's also good for downloading porn. Later
i wanna start a grow but only one plat what do i need? i want to grow it in my house. how much light and air will the plant need? and where should i keep it?
Hold on ppl, im uploading a few vids to youtube ;) watch this space

1 Growing Weed - Lights part1of2
YouTube - 1 GrowingWeed_Lights Pt1/2
2 Growing Weed - Lights part2of2
YouTube - 2 Growing Weed-Lights Pt2/2
3 Growing Weed - Soil&Fertilizer 1of3
YouTube - 3 Grow Weed-Soil & fertilizer1of3
4 Growing Weed - Soil&Fertilizer 2of3
YouTube - 4 Grow Weed-Soil & fertilizer2of3

more to come when i upload the rest

great videos, very informative. thank you very much!! :joint: :peace:
mr green says he leaves his watering schedule to 3 times a day.
but how long does he water for each one of those intervals
and if it can be much water is he actually giving the plants each watering or total through out the day.

i have an airoponics system so i just leave the pump going 24/7. the roots are always soaked.---works 4 me
I´ve seen it and its a great tutorial on how to build a drip and a ebb and flow hydro systems, and how things work in the hydro world, but one thing left me O.o, i didn´t know there were HPS in blue spectrum....Mr Green keeps saying this through the entire clip..wich i bealive is not true...either u have MH in blue or HPS in Red/Orange spectrum....Peace and Pot

Yes it's true.. there is a little bit of light in the blue spectrum from Hps lights, that's why you can grow with HPS lights from seedling to end.. yet there is a lot less light in the blue spectrum then with a metal halide. There is also a small amount of orange/red light emmited from a Metal Halide. A fraction of what is emmited from a HPS light though.
widow , i read your post on growing , it was awsome !! im new to the site ,ill be posting some pics of my new grow ffastsam