Free Grow Software!


Well-Known Member
I gave up trying to remove it but was able to get it working previously. Now it won't work and I can't reinstall it.
If you put that file it's looking for back it will let you uninstall it. I'd use the upgrade to reinstall, it won't show up under add/remove programs anymore but you can just delete the files and it won't be linked anymore.



Well-Known Member
If you put that file it's looking for back it will let you uninstall it. I'd use the upgrade to reinstall, it won't show up under add/remove programs anymore but you can just delete the files and it won't be linked anymore.

The file it is looking for is there.
I'd love to use this software...I installed it, but as soon as I click on the icon to open the program I get these two attached messages. Not quite sure WHAT I did wrong?errors.jpg


Active Member
where can i down load that program im going to start growing and would really like to use your tracker thank you!
Step 1. Move your eyes two inches above your post
Step 2. Move your mouse cursor to where your eyes are looking
Step 3: Click left mouse button onto where your mouse is pointing


Well-Known Member
you should write a blackberry/smartphone app now, this software you made is the greatest fucking thing ive seen on this site!!!


RIU Bulldog
Can you help me figure this out. I got the program to install through WINE but I guess I need something called .net Framework 4 or something.
where can I find this?



RIU Bulldog
NM, I figured it out. It just doesn't wanna load on linux. I guess I'll just have to use pencil and paper.


Well-Known Member
NM, I figured it out. It just doesn't wanna load on linux. I guess I'll just have to use pencil and paper.
Ya linux won't support WPF anytime soon, it's way too complex. I started up on the silverlight out of browser application a few days ago that will run on linux via moonlight, it will also support intel Mac OSX and of coarse all the windows versions. Check back in a few weeks and I should have that published for ya linux and mac osx users. Also it will support your existing datafile if you're running the windows version already.



Active Member
Awesome software Boss! Just an idea on an enchancement to the reports section. I do not know if this was asked before, but could you add the Pics to the report. That way you could have a full record of the grow cycle with pics. You could also add a check box to exclude the pics. Just a idea. Once again an awesome software.


Hells Yea... I was going to run windows on my macbook air for your program, but that would be like putting 87 octane in a Race Car... Let me know when it is available for OS X and I will start using it and report any bugs.