Free Grow Software!

yo dawg, it downloaded fine, I created a plant and seems to be working fine, "HOME, PLANTS, OPTIONS" are the only available tabs.and everything works besides Video and Pictures under PLANTS works great... OPTIONS is empty. HOME is showing the fake plant i created as a test... keep up the good work.

Thanks! Appreciate your testing!
Thanks much for the link. That explains everything that I needed to know.

This software is absolutely incredible, man. No more writing down everything for me. I can just put it all in the software and it virtually tells me everything. I give your work a 5 star rating, bro!
Just finished my windows updates so I could install HerbIQ. Nice Job LuciferX!!

In looking around briefly, I noticed a couple of things:

1) Is there anywhere to manually track air temp and humidity? It looks like this feature is tied to the Sparkfun USB weatherboard.

2) Being a hydro grower, I would/use Rooms:Reservoir:Meter Readings fairly often. However I'm unable to add any other readings past my first one. I did change the tab order within that window to a more logical order for me; Date, ph, ec, ppm, temp, notes. Would that have caused the window to not refresh with my new info? If so, what was the default tab order?

EDIT: Reinstalling the software fixed the bug, WITH no loss of data. PROPS!

3) Any plans on graph capabilities for meter readings? It would be ideal to overlay changes in solution parameters to plant height.

4) With Kdn's development with the arduino automation, would I have to get both an arduino and the sparkfun weatherboard? It appears that it would be an either/or.
There are a few automation projects out there GardenBot, Garduino, and a couple others that escape my mind. They are mostly geared towards soil with only a few inputs/outputs but are very good projects. Reef Angel is a reef tank automation controller that seems to be quite mature at this point(it is more inline with what we need). I had been following these projects for a while and decided to make one more geared towards our needs, which is what sent me off on this quest.

I am working on getting a site up to put more detail behind it, I am also working on some primer documentation that I will try and put up here once I get it finished(with quite a few pics). I have also been working on some simple controllers too. Just finished up a prototype for a cycle timer with bluetooth(to program) 2 onboard relays and the ability to expand out to more input outputs. Cant wait to test this puppy!

Lucifer, I take it you didnt recieve a pm? I dont think I can pm yet(post count) as soon as I can I will get my email to you haha!

Kdn, great links, thank you! I noticed that all those projects use a basic Arduino. For our purposes, is it best to get the Arduino Mega that you use? I'm excited to get on this development track, diy is in my bones, but I've been out of software and electronics development for quite a while. I figure until you get your primer up, I could get started learning about the Arduino, just need to know which one to invest in.
Just finished my windows updates so I could install HerbIQ. Nice Job LuciferX!!

In looking around briefly, I noticed a couple of things:

1) Is there anywhere to manually track air temp and humidity? It looks like this feature is tied to the Sparkfun USB weatherboard.

2) Being a hydro grower, I would/use Rooms:Reservoir:Meter Readings fairly often. However I'm unable to add any other readings past my first one. I did change the tab order within that window to a more logical order for me; Date, ph, ec, ppm, temp, notes. Would that have caused the window to not refresh with my new info? If so, what was the default tab order?

EDIT: Reinstalling the software fixed the bug, WITH no loss of data. PROPS!

3) Any plans on graph capabilities for meter readings? It would be ideal to overlay changes in solution parameters to plant height.

4) With Kdn's development with the arduino automation, would I have to get both an arduino and the sparkfun weatherboard? It appears that it would be an either/or.


1. I could definitely add that, didn't think anyone would want to manually track that but can tie into the same sensor graphing logic.

2. Glad you fixed it, have not ran into that before.

3. Would be easy to enable, can turn it on for ya in the next release.

4. Either or Both, once kdn's hardware is written in that option will be available.

I should have the MacOSX and Linux first release out early this week so everyone can use HERB.IQ. Initially they will have just the plant section and some of the options, I'll unlock the majority if not all of the windows version's options in future releases, shouldn't take too long. Will post the installer links here when it's ready


1. I could definitely add that, didn't think anyone would want to manually track that but can tie into the same sensor graphing logic.

2. Glad you fixed it, have not ran into that before.

3. Would be easy to enable, can turn it on for ya in the next release.

4. Either or Both, once kdn's hardware is written in that option will be available.


Cool, looking forward to a new release!

When I look in: Rooms>Sensors>Load Reading>Parse Format it has the option for the Sparkfun board. It looks like the software as it is currently can only configure datalogging for one board at a time and that board being the sparkfun usb weatherboard.

If I pick up an arduino mega board, it seems like it has all the possible inputs/outputs as the Sparkfun but with more capabilities, is this correct?
As of right now here is the hardware breakdown.
pc for your software and datalogging
pc power supply for 5v, -5v, 12v, -12v, common ground(rev2 only needs +5v and +12v, common ground)
arduino mega
8 relay boards wired into a power tree using some stuff from homedepot(basically 220 dryer outlet<3con#10cable>load center> 4breakers>8relays>8 outlets)
1 relay>lights(have them all on a flower timer)
1 relay>exhaust(cooling) fan
1 relay>exchange fan +circulation fan
1 relay>ph doser
1 relay>pump
1 relay>o3 generator
1 relay>feeder solenoid
1 relay> fresh water fill solenoid
pH sensor board
ppm sensor board
4tempProbe/1humidity sensor board (1 in res, 1 in canopy, 1 in rootzone,1 general room)
co2 sensor
CT coil based energy draw sensor (still in dev but pretty much there)

The firmware on the arduino takes care of everything it has some default settings that can be configured via a few simple serial ASCII msg or the datalogging software I made(WPF, c# hehe) changes are saved in the EEPROM but I am going to add sd card or an external EEPROM/flash solution, I am also adding in lcd screen and button support for onboard interfacing. every 5 minutes the arduino sends "status" reports of the various sensor/relay states. Then it just follows my "program" of various timers and conditions, just needs a time sync everyonce in a while but I am adding an RTC which will keep it accurate enough for what we do.

I'm starting to source this equipment list and have a couple of questions:

Any links or keywords for the relays and sensors?

I also love the fact for like 30 bucks you can have one serious bad ass cycle timer(small arduino, relay board, husky replacement power cord, catv cable)

Is the Arduino Mega the one to get? Or is it overkill? When you mention relay board, are you just referring to a breadboard with a relay on it or is a diy pcb?
RCP, sorry my reply is a bit late I have been extremely busy lately. You can basically use any arduino you wish (or any MCU for that matter, but this is beyond the scope here) but you should pick it based on your needs, for little stuff you can get away with an uno. I choose the mega for its number of ADC pins, I really didnt want to deal with multiplexing while doing prototyping.

As for the items on the list most are pcbs I designed and have fabbed. In large runs the boards are very economical and they are really not so bad in singles too though it can add up quick. I have to cut this short here but will try and post more on this and give you some parts to look over.

1. I could definitely add that, didn't think anyone would want to manually track that but can tie into the same sensor graphing logic.

2. Glad you fixed it, have not ran into that before.

3. Would be easy to enable, can turn it on for ya in the next release.

4. Either or Both, once kdn's hardware is written in that option will be available.


For #1 that's actually already in there under rooms -> environment forgot I already did that :mrgreen:
Cool, looking forward to a new release!

When I look in: Rooms>Sensors>Load Reading>Parse Format it has the option for the Sparkfun board. It looks like the software as it is currently can only configure datalogging for one board at a time and that board being the sparkfun usb weatherboard.

If I pick up an arduino mega board, it seems like it has all the possible inputs/outputs as the Sparkfun but with more capabilities, is this correct?

Yeah that sparksfun board was the first and so far only sensor it has support for but I'll be writing in support for kdn's work in the near future and that option will be available there. The sparksfun only does what it was built to and there's no option to go beyond, if you want to use more sensors or build something yourself you'll need an Arduino or netduino.
This looks awesome - only problem im having is using it on Windows 7. The sizing is a problem with some of the buttons missing. I noticed someone else that had the same problem using XP and he changed the DPI settings. I have checked DPI settings on mine and they are normal but still having probs. Ive also tried changing the options for fill etc - no joy. Soz if this has been mentioned by someone else earlier, I did have a look through the thread but couldnt find what I was looking for.
This looks awesome - only problem im having is using it on Windows 7. The sizing is a problem with some of the buttons missing. I noticed someone else that had the same problem using XP and he changed the DPI settings. I have checked DPI settings on mine and they are normal but still having probs. Ive also tried changing the options for fill etc - no joy. Soz if this has been mentioned by someone else earlier, I did have a look through the thread but couldnt find what I was looking for.

What about theme's? Can you try switching back to the default and see if that works?
For #1 that's actually already in there under rooms -> environment forgot I already did that :mrgreen:

Nothing there. There is no 'environment'.

Noticed a couple more things:

1. In Home>Veg/Clone status: Plants only show if a veg date has been selected. It would be useful to monitor how long a plant has been cloning for. You can kinda do this by selecting the veg date as the clone date but then the label is set to 'vegging for x days' as opposed to 'cloned for x days'.

2. In Patients: It would be useful to know how much medicine I've dispersed to this patient and when.

Is this the best place to log bug/fixes/requests?