Free Dvd & Book - Enter Now


Well-Known Member
Dunno about the flag thing might draw unwanted attention to you lol.
Use them how you like dude i just made them for you,personally i think they would look cool as beach towels8)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
FDD... are you trying to .. to.. to.... umm... fook.. what's the word......

you know.. take away my artists.... steal. my... umm.. shit.. whatis the phrase I am looking for.....

ug.. stand by

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I have had no bounce back message from your mail address but i sent them again anyway:leaf:
cool thanks.... I still dont have shit!!!!!! not your faulty.. something skrewy though....

I am trying to find another email you can send it too.... i will PM you an email address..



Well-Known Member
To be honest the designs are pretty simply made using photoshop but i enjoy doing it,i suppose they are still the product of my mind though even if they are simple,glad you liked them,the praise is highly appreciated:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think it looks really cool,lol,but i would say that:-P
Just have to say though that if there is a free dvd and book and ive won it,im sorry but i wont be giving out my name and address,very sorry for the mistrust but its a rule i never break.

If ive won it please send the prize to madcow as he/she seriously seems to want the book and dvd.
I will buy a copy from the shops with cash when it comes out,i even bought my original seeds from a shop near where i live on a bicycle whilst wearing sunglasses and a hat and its not that i dont trust you,but the internet is not safe,simple as that,im happy for the world to think i live somewhere in england that i dont really,black ice:shock: