Fred Soll's Incense


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else use this guys stuff?

It is in my opinion the best incense out there... so many varieties and all are quality. A bit expensive at around a dollar per stick, but well worth it in my opinion.

A thanks to GoGrow for getting me hooked on these.


Well-Known Member

You're a funny man, good start for only being here less than a month!

I'm not advertising... I'm simply asking a question about incense I enjoy.


Pickle Queen
No one likes Fred Solls? :(
Not a fan of any of any the smell/smoke tends to annoy me and tickle my noise, I like the expensive food/dessert scented mason jar candles u can buy at the country market, a small mason jar is 20$ but they burn for min 40 hours and smell just like home baked goodies, I love the snickerdoodle and sugar cookie, next is fench vanilla cupcakes ;)
I find it important to have a welcoming smelling home, people always comment about the lovely scent :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a friend who is the same way... can't deal with incense.

A shame for him because he loves the way they smell in the package, the Strawberry Fields one I'm burning now smells like I dipped my hand into some kind of strawberry jam... just want to lick my fingers! LOL


Pickle Queen

Do it, lick em, base to tip, tell me what they taste like!!!

bahahahahaha mmmmm strawberry fields does sound like a yummy smell, it's the damn smoke, candles don't bother me