freaky seedling


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the filesize, I just realised I don't have photoshop on my new installation.

Anyway what is up with this seedling, see it has 3 of those fake leafs amd then 3 leafs as oposed to 2 of each we see normally.

Its the second mutant I got this year, first one like this though.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Known fondly as a polyploid. A bunch of them showed up a few month ago.

Most people think it is a genetic trait. Plants usually grow out of this. I've always considered it to be a beneficial trait utilizing a greater amount of space early on to capture more energy. I had some blue mystics recently that displayed this trait later on in growth, rather than earlier.

Treat her well.


Well-Known Member
"Polyploid types are labeled according to the number of chromosome sets in the nucleus: triploid (three sets; 3x), for example, seedless watermelon."


Well-Known Member
i got one but it started with two fake leaves then did the three leaf thing, sorry to bump old thread just curiouse of how it turned out or looks now


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the filesize, I just realised I don't have photoshop on my new installation.

Anyway what is up with this seedling, see it has 3 of those fake leafs amd then 3 leafs as oposed to 2 of each we see normally.

Its the second mutant I got this year, first one like this though.
How is it doing? how about a new pic?


Active Member
its called a whorlled phylotaxy.
i just got one a few weeks back (:
sadly, however, i heard that they can turn out male - from someone who has had a good few of these that have all been males.
but i personally think its just bad luck for him - grow it out they look really cool :)