Frank Zappa

Come on guys there has to be stoners who blast there Zappa CDs while smoking a bowl
Or thin lizzy. Drummer is so underrated Can't find musos like that these days

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
We have a local Zappa Tribute band here called Just Another Band From Detroit. Grew up on a steady diet of Zappa and saw his band live a couple times. I remember it like it was yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Not my era but my pop has flooded my brain with classics so I'm well in tuned with his hippy day music. I was always told he was one of the originators of cursing in songs and bringing up controversial topics In his songs. The guy was a genius in his productions.

Watch out where the huskies go, don't you eat that yellow snow.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
As a cheap straw cartwheels into the gutter, so this is a drive in restaurant in Hollywood, so this is a drive in restaurant in Hollywood, so this is a drive in restaurant in Hollywood.


Well-Known Member
just get me wasted and you're half way there
because if my mind is tore up, then my body don't care

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I checked out her sister who was holdin' the bet and wondered what kind of trip the young lady was on...... The forty dollar bill didn't matter no more, when her sister got naked and laid on the floor. She said Dynamo might win the bet, but she could use a little OOOOhhhh if I wasn't done yet!

heir proctor

New Member
Fuckin love Zapa and the Mothers of Invention! I just inherited all of my father's old LP's which included just about everything they ever released. Stoked!!