Hello peeps!
So you wouldnt beleave it but the cops just left my house.... OMG tat shit made me nervous... i mean even though im legal you always dread the day they come.
I was sitting in the garage smoking a blunt.... when my wife pokes her head in the door and tell me whispering/yelling...tone " the cops are at the door"
My stomach just dropped... I go to the front door and i tell them Hello.
he says hello and asks me if those are my plants out back (like he saw them... There was only 1 left so why call them plants).. he told my wife that a neighbor called it in.
anyway.. he asks to see the plants and i make my decision... should i let him in now or piss him off by having him go get a search warrant that A he might already have anyways... So all joe cool i tell him absolutely.. and i open the security door and lead them into the back yard...
*meanwhile my wife has put two dogs in my sons patio and my franco in the garage...
so as we are going outside Franco decides there something going on that he needs to be part of so he Smashes through the doggy door (it has a hard door that was closed) and comes out running into the back yard startling the officers and frankly myself a bit.. ( he looked wonderfull running...lol)..
so they ask if he is dangerous and i tell him no that hes still just a pup...LOL.. i let him in the garden and closed the door behind us so franco cant get to us.. he just sat there staring at those cops...LOL...
Anywho... they just wrote down some info.. looked at the plant.. told me the limit.. 6 OR 12.. not AND 12... (luckly i didnt have to show him the garage...he only asked about the plants out back...

so like i said .. after all they were really nice just wrote my info checked out the card and told me to have a great day... I told them to do the same and be safe out there... They love the "safe" deal and i honestly felt it for these two.
What a buzz kill though... Oh well .. smoke another blunt!