Foxtailing NL 8 Weeks +


Hey Guys,

Ive been growing some Northern Lights and started to Flush last week but the lovely ladies have decided that there just not ready and have started foxtailing, i'm thinking its going to be another week or two until its time to harvest. Ive given them probably 3 feedings of plain water, should i now give them some nutrients again or just keep going with the plain water until harvest time and if i do give them nutes should i give them at the same strength they got them at on last nutrient feed..

Foxtailing is usually in the genetics, and most believe that it is not environmental. I've seen at least one person believe that it is caused by too much N late in flower. If you are just a week or so from harvest, personally, I wouldn't feed her. Let her eat off her existing leaves and use up as much chlorophyll as possible. It should burn and taste better.


Active Member
I would put triple strength nutes as your plant missed 3 feedings....

But seriously I would either feed her a low dosage (1/2 strength) of nutes or just give her PH'd water.

Post up some pics man
I have heard high heat causes fox tailing. It mostly has to do with genetics though but certain environments bring out those traits more so. More so stressful environments.