Foxfarms nutes...


Active Member
Hello RIU,:weed:
I was wondering for this coming grow out doors. About which fox farm products would be best, and when and how much to use.
and possibly some info on good soil.
i plan on growing in pots.

let me know :joint:



Active Member
well nvm nute situation. i will be purchasing the fox farm 3 tri(big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom) i want to know how much to feed, and when to up dosages and how much.

also soil.... i really cant seem to find good low main. soil like foxfarm ocean forest but cheaper then prices. i will be growing in 7gal pots so i need something i can buy a few bags of xP. any opinions and tips on that... high appricated...
:bigjoint: thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Help me understand what your doing here,why is your grow planned around Fox Farm Fertilizer anyways ? You dont even know the proper amount to feed a plant yet you've decided to plan an entire grow around a fertilizer:wall:,this is a disturbing word of mouth trend that is helping nobody grow weed,only line the pockets of the people selling the products.

I am not insulting you but somebody needs to tell you young guys the truth,buy that shit & you'll be wasting a ton of cash with no benifit.

This trend of young guys being taught via word of mouth & not experience that expensive botique fertilizers offer some majic potion effect ,or even offer better fertilization over normal priced off the shelf fertilizers,ferts like Jacks or Peters brands fertilizer's is mind numbing to me,the only thing you'll get from using the most expensive ferilizer on earth vs people who are using normal priced ferts wont get is a sore ass from getting bent dfirectly over at the check out :sad:Hey !!!:lol:

Same goes for Fox Farm soil,it is good soil but god damm is it expensive & offers nothing that you cant replicate using off the shelf potting soil & off the shelf soil amendments bought from home depot at 1/10th the cost,i can show you how to make your own soil that is just as good as Fox Farms & so can many others here,at a fraction of the cost.

Spend a day reading & studing fertilizers,learn why some fertilizers work better than others,learn what plants need & how to tell what they need & why they need it,learn the signs that plants clearly show when they are healthy or when they need food,you'll save hundreds of dollars & know much more about growing,if your relying on the fancy name & the hype surrounding Fox Farm products to make your grow kick ass your in for a big let down & alot less cash.

This fertilizer in this link is every bit as good as any Fox Farm product,its easy to use & is made with salts that are very soft & friendly to the plants,its the best granular fertilizer on earth & is what many farmers use to grow the food that feeds all of us,ever heard of any farmer using fox farms ferts? No way,if it was any better they'd use it but it is no better,only way more expensive.

This is what you need.


Active Member
Help me understand what your doing here,why is your grow planned around Fox Farm Fertilizer anyways ? You dont even know the proper amount to feed a plant yet you've decided to plan an entire grow around a fertilizer:wall:,this is a disturbing word of mouth trend that is helping nobody grow weed,only line the pockets of the people selling the products.

I am not insulting you but somebody needs to tell you young guys the truth,buy that shit & you'll be wasting a ton of cash with no benifit.

This trend of young guys being taught via word of mouth & not experience that expensive botique fertilizers offer some majic potion effect ,or even offer better fertilization over normal priced off the shelf fertilizers,ferts like Jacks or Peters brands fertilizer's is mind numbing to me,the only thing you'll get from using the most expensive ferilizer on earth vs people who are using normal priced ferts wont get is a sore ass from getting bent dfirectly over at the check out :sad:Hey !!!:lol:

Same goes for Fox Farm soil,it is good soil but god damm is it expensive & offers nothing that you cant replicate using off the shelf potting soil & off the shelf soil amendments bought from home depot at 1/10th the cost,i can show you how to make your own soil that is just as good as Fox Farms & so can many others here,at a fraction of the cost.

Spend a day reading & studing fertilizers,learn why some fertilizers work better than others,learn what plants need & how to tell what they need & why they need it,learn the signs that plants clearly show when they are healthy or when they need food,you'll save hundreds of dollars & know much more about growing,if your relying on the fancy name & the hype surrounding Fox Farm products to make your grow kick ass your in for a big let down & alot less cash.

This fertilizer in this link is every bit as good as any Fox Farm product,its easy to use & is made with salts that are very soft & friendly to the plants,its the best granular fertilizer on earth & is what many farmers use to grow the food that feeds all of us,ever heard of any farmer using fox farms ferts? No way,if it was any better they'd use it but it is no better,only way more expensive.

This is what you need.
i really actually appriciate that man u prob just saved me a ton of cash.
but could u like u said give me some good soil mix's i'd love to know =D
also do u have any good links i could have for what u explained, learning when and how much to feed my plants.
thats where my knowledge was lacking most...
also what ferts are u using?


Well-Known Member
i really actually appriciate that man u prob just saved me a ton of cash.
but could u like u said give me some good soil mix's i'd love to know =D
also do u have any good links i could have for what u explained, learning when and how much to feed my plants.
thats where my knowledge was lacking most...
also what ferts are u using?
Your welcome bud,glad i could steer you down a better path,members of this site helped me so much i like to return the favor when i can.

I left you a link to the ferts i like to use in my previous post,i use "Peters" brand fertilizer as much as possible,they changed their company name for some reason to "Jacks" but both names are the exact same ferts,absolutely top of the line fertilizers no matter how much you have got to spend there is no better,its cheap as hell too,i mean like it costs $5 for a big ass jug,it dont get any better than that :bigjoint:

As for the links you requested i have a few i could hook you up with that would help you quite a bit but i am very tired right now,i just spent the last 5 hours writing a tutorial for rollitup on installing dedicated 15 amp power lines into a grow room & i want to chill,plus i still have to proof read the tutorial before im finished.

I will gladly send you the info you need if you pm me tomorrow & remind me,im an old dude & my memory is shot so i need reminding once in a while but i will get to you as soon as i can.


Active Member
Your welcome bud,glad i could steer you down a better path,members of this site helped me so much i like to return the favor when i can.

I left you a link to the ferts i like to use in my previous post,i use "Peters" brand fertilizer as much as possible,they changed their company name for some reason to "Jacks" but both names are the exact same ferts,absolutely top of the line fertilizers no matter how much you have got to spend there is no better,its cheap as hell too,i mean like it costs $5 for a big ass jug,it dont get any better than that :bigjoint:

As for the links you requested i have a few i could hook you up with that would help you quite a bit but i am very tired right now,i just spent the last 5 hours writing a tutorial for rollitup on installing dedicated 15 amp power lines into a grow room & i want to chill,plus i still have to proof read the tutorial before im finished.

I will gladly send you the info you need if you pm me tomorrow & remind me,im an old dude & my memory is shot so i need reminding once in a while but i will get to you as soon as i can.
your a good man!!!!
which ferts by peters are u currently using and ill look into it =D
i been trying to pm people but it says i cant =\