foxfarm big bloom


New Member
Originally Posted by justatoker

haha ur avatar is the shamwow dude

anyone else think that shamwow dude >>> ... looks like a crackhead version
of "Danny" from the show "Las Vegas" ?>


Danny's incest brother?

no shit, dont it look like him ? lol

I watch Las Vegas every day lol.. I wanna be Danny Mcoy!!!!!!!


New Member
I hear its good for keeping PH etc in check but doesnt do alot for growth boosting etc ?.. I will prolly pick some up and try it...I have Grow Big And Tiger Bloom.. Ive jsut used Grow Big on my 2 lil lowlife Auto AK's but just after about 3 feedings there starting to grow faster...There only about 2'' tall and 2 weeks old.I think I slowed em down some when I transplanted from 16oz cups.. Im done w/ 16oz cups.. I just bought some jiffy pellets.. From ow on its into the jiffys then into 3 gallon containers..Since starting them on the Grow Big there getting really bushy .I jsut fed them there 6th feeding and I upped the ratio to 2 tbsp per gallon.. They grow really fast during the 4hrs of dark there getting..


New Member
Big bloom is not a stand along bloom nute. It should be used in conjuction with a prefered nute regiment. Its really beneficial to the deve. of microbials in the soil. Not neccessarily a "push" type nute, but a "enhancement"type nute if you can decipher that.
I think you're right on about Big Bloom. I'm only two hydro grows in and I started with Fox Farm. The Big Bloom/Grow Big/ Tiger Bloom trio works well enough. I'm going to move on to Botanicare Pure Blend but I'm gonna continue using Big Bloom because it has done wonders for my roots. I did stop using it for a couple weeks in veg and only used Grow Big and noticed a lag in growth and some deficiencies. When I resumed Big Bloom the plants immediately perked up and went back to being a lush green. Just my experience. I'll hold onto Big Bloom as a "microbial tea" of sorts for my roots.