foxfarm big bloom


Active Member
:leaf:anyone ever use big bloom organic fertilizer made by foxfarm before? I am just wondering what the results were because of big blooms low NPK ratings.


Well-Known Member
i am using, big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom..... so far the ferts (growbig, tiger bloom) are making my plants grow faster then hell... but to answer your questions... no I have not used the big bloom yet.. its npk is really low


Active Member
yeah i have big bloom and grow big as well, but did not realize big bloom's NPK was so low. i pretty much just bought it because of the brand. i mean it does have worm castings and other natural fertilizers but am not sure how much that will actually effect the growing process


Well-Known Member
Bigbloom helps alot despite its low npk. It will foster healthy root growth. Use it in the doses recommended, It makes happy plants.


New Member
I opted not to get the big bloom.. I heard that it wasnt "all that" so I got grow big and tiger bloom instead as suggested by my local hydro store "dudes" lol .. Gonna start the grow big on monday woot


Well-Known Member
Even though the npk are low it has a lot of other micro nutes that are very beneficial i follow the feed schedule on there web site and have gone from 1/2 once per plant to 3 per plant plus the use of dolomite lime and well timed transplants.


New Member
anyone else think that shamwow dude >>> ... looks like a crackhead version of "Danny" from the show "Las Vegas" ?>



Active Member
well i dont have tiger bloom and can't really afford another bottle of fertilizer at the moment so im stuck with big bloom and like 3 kinds of Miracle Grow, but i think im just going to rock the Big Bloom for the most part..


Well-Known Member
o yeah im using all three its best if you use the big bloom tiger bloom and grow big and use the grow schedule they give you! The germans make it so you know its good organics!


Active Member
so you would use tiger bloom for the first half of flowering i would assume from the chart. my plants are 3 weeks old but i dont really want to give them a full dosage of Grow Big either. wouldn't i want to go like half of the recommended dosage first then increase over time?


Well-Known Member
Umm? do you water every other time with regular water. I would use 2 tablespoons per gallon. If there 3 weeks they can handle it more then likely. I used that amount right away at 2 weeks, and well not to be cocky but you can check out my grow. They are about a week and half a head of yours about day 36


Active Member
yeah i would like to see your operation! i water about every 3 or 4 days with nutrients every other time


Well-Known Member
Big bloom is not a stand along bloom nute. It should be used in conjuction with a prefered nute regiment. Its really beneficial to the deve. of microbials in the soil. Not neccessarily a "push" type nute, but a "enhancement"type nute if you can decipher that.