Fox Trolling Biden.

I call bullshit on the 15% 'far left' controlling any narrative. It sounds good and all, but outside of Talib who I think is very likely a troll like what's her name from Hawaii, I question if any Democratic politicians would be found if we were to actually listen to the entire speech and not selectively edit soundbites.

I don't even know if I know what is a 'far left' talking point. Fox basically calls everything and anything that is not Trumptasitic 'far left'.

I would think it is helpful to realize that the wealthy are reinvesting in our nation. The better we all do, the better they will do.

Think about all that money that they invested after ww2 in the suburban sprawl that was brought about by the federal hi ways. They were getting taxed 90+%
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And they made a killing in the next decades.

So investing into getting 100% of our population's kids every opportunity to succeed, that means that our economy is that much more efficient, and they will once again benefit greatly.

It doesn't have to be combative.

actually he calls it the Radical Far Left.
Cultural myth: Happy Days went into decline after "Jumping the Shark".

Actually, happy Days lasted seven years after Fonzy jumped the shark. Ratings even went up the following year. Sure, they were culturally irrelevant but the writers seemingly could do no wrong. The show survived. Other cringe-worthy events such as The Fonz kissing a nun (who said she wanted it), a segment that features an Irish musical set in the past with horrible American Irish accents, The Fonz attending his own funeral dressed as an Italian widow, and other cultural non-events (queue canned laughter).

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They stuck around, made plenty of cash, sold Charmin and whatever else was being hawked back then. But they were culturally irrelevant.

So, now this. Kayleigh Mc Enany bemoaning the "divisive actions of this president" mere months after she was forced out of her role as the mouth of Sauron. Now she's on Fox and (I think) people have started to laugh at them. This abortion propaganda, I fear, shows that the Faux News variety show has the same life as Happy Days and will serve up the same kind of pap for years to come in order to sell adult diapers. But their cultural significance, perhaps, is on the wane.

so divisive that he shared the vaccine divisive that $10,400 of UI is tax free unlike what the GOP wanted..same with the $ divisive.

and now they're going to be people who are going to lobby him to 'stop' the $300 weekly on UI because 'no one wants to work'- yeah for your draconian wages people moved on Mr. Restaurant report cited a huge drop in Courier services..if people aren't buying there's nothing to transport..all surgeries are elective unless you come into the ER and the rush you to blood or samples to transport but then there's the little scheme of opening another company and making your employees move to the other company as contractors.
I call bullshit on the 15% 'far left' controlling any narrative. It sounds good and all, but outside of Talib who I think is very likely a troll like what's her name from Hawaii, I question if any Democratic politicians would be found if we were to actually listen to the entire speech and not selectively edit soundbites.

I don't even know if I know what is a 'far left' talking point. Fox basically calls everything and anything that is not Trumptasitic 'far left'.

I would think it is helpful to realize that the wealthy are reinvesting in our nation. The better we all do, the better they will do.

Think about all that money that they invested after ww2 in the suburban sprawl that was brought about by the federal hi ways. They were getting taxed 90+%
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And they made a killing in the next decades.

So investing into getting 100% of our population's kids every opportunity to succeed, that means that our economy is that much more efficient, and they will once again benefit greatly.

It doesn't have to be combative.
It will be combative. I'm not advocating violence but the GQP do.

We are talking about authoritarian leaders and their followers. They will not cede power to a multi-racial social democracy without a fight. I'd prefer the fight be with legal papers and votes but Jan 6 sent the message that we have a problem with a right wing authoritarian faction that will not let it stop there. They still hold power and have not faced consequences for their attempt at insurrection in January. If history is a guide, they will keep coming back until they overthrow our government. Or are terminated with extreme prejudice.

I worked for a person who said it best. "What is a fair share of the market? All of it". That's what they think about their share of the nation's wealth too.
I don't know if it's coddling the rich,I work at a private high end golf course so I see more than my share(some good some bad),I was just throwing some stuff out there because things are so adversarial now and there has to be better ways to make the wealthy pay their fair share without a us vs. them vibe things are already broken in so many pieces in the US that i wish there were ways to put it back together without outright hostility as I believe it makes our country more vulnerable than it has been in a long time, I've never been a very political person until the Cheeto Administration came along and just outright lit a fire in me and made me want to vomit, making me incredulous at the people who actually STILL support him after everything they've seen
and the unfathomable lack of courage by the rep. party to be done w/him, I now watch the news w/a sense of dread and peril and I am beginning to not recognize my country anymore.ccguns
The wealthy are not a political monolith. Some are liberal, some are conservative but oppose Trump and some are backing the GQP's effort at overthrowing our government. So it's would be a sweeping generalization if I were to say they all are corrupt authoritarian fascists. But enough are to make it possible for a minority radical faction to become a threat to US democracy,.

As a group, they do one thing together and that is protect their wealth. It's completely understandable that they would want low tax rates, low inheritance taxes, no regulation, a subservient work force willing to work for less than living wages. That's how to hang on to wealth and maybe even make more without having to earn it themselves. The thing is, the trend toward ever greater concentration of wealth in fewer hands is why the authoritarian right have grown powerful enough to threaten our government. It's also why poverty and economic insecurity among the working classes is increased. It's why our educational system is lagging other world class economies. It's why most people feel like their economic status is at risk. The trends that led to where we are today began with Reagan's unfunded tax cuts. After a fifty year tax holiday, it's time for the people who benefitted from it pay the government back. That's all I'm asking for. Pay us back so that we can pay off the loans Reagan, Bush and Trump took out, maintain infrastructure that they deferred and repair the education system they didn't feel was necessary. They can keep some of the profits, how about that?
As a group, they do one thing together and that is protect their wealth.
Loss aversion - Wikipedia

Loss aversion is a human characteristic that describes how people are intrinsically afraid of losses. When compared against each other people dislike losing more than they like winning. ... Research studies into the psychological value of losses and gains have identified a loss aversion ratio of between 1.5 and 2.5.
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I call bullshit on the 15% 'far left' controlling any narrative. It sounds good and all, but outside of Talib who I think is very likely a troll like what's her name from Hawaii, I question if any Democratic politicians would be found if we were to actually listen to the entire speech and not selectively edit soundbites.

I don't even know if I know what is a 'far left' talking point. Fox basically calls everything and anything that is not Trumptasitic 'far left'.

I would think it is helpful to realize that the wealthy are reinvesting in our nation. The better we all do, the better they will do.

Think about all that money that they invested after ww2 in the suburban sprawl that was brought about by the federal hi ways. They were getting taxed 90+%
View attachment 4897181

And they made a killing in the next decades.

So investing into getting 100% of our population's kids every opportunity to succeed, that means that our economy is that much more efficient, and they will once again benefit greatly.

It doesn't have to be combative.
That's exactly what I meant man, This militancy that exists today to TAKE IT from them just glosses over the point that these people own business that employs and also invest and innovate. so while there will always be some I'm better than you uppity pricks out there we just can't make all these people the enemy and just make them pick up their ball and go home so to speak and it seems to me the phrase that used to mellow people w/disagreements out a little that "WE'RE ALL STILL AMERICANS" no longer seems to exist and that division is candy for our adversaries.ccguns
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The wealthy are not a political monolith. Some are liberal, some are conservative but oppose Trump and some are backing the GQP's effort at overthrowing our government. So it's would be a sweeping generalization if I were to say they all are corrupt authoritarian fascists. But enough are to make it possible for a minority radical faction to become a threat to US democracy,.

As a group, they do one thing together and that is protect their wealth. It's completely understandable that they would want low tax rates, low inheritance taxes, no regulation, a subservient work force willing to work for less than living wages. That's how to hang on to wealth and maybe even make more without having to earn it themselves. The thing is, the trend toward ever greater concentration of wealth in fewer hands is why the authoritarian right have grown powerful enough to threaten our government. It's also why poverty and economic insecurity among the working classes is increased. It's why our educational system is lagging other world class economies. It's why most people feel like their economic status is at risk. The trends that led to where we are today began with Reagan's unfunded tax cuts. After a fifty year tax holiday, it's time for the people who benefited from it pay the government back. That's all I'm asking for. Pay us back so that we can pay off the loans Reagan, Bush and Trump took out, maintain infrastructure that they deferred and repair the education system they didn't feel was necessary. They can keep some of the profits, how about that?
That's exactly how I see it,just pay a little more,you still have your multiple properties to follow the good weather, your all set financially for generations to come so what really is the big deal other than it's a big game of monopoly to them and competitively they just can't stomach taking a hit , these are the rich that are vile who think this way but it is not all of them IMO, but mostly it's the adversarial nature of this debate that tears up our country and IMO it has to end.ccguns
That's exactly what I meant man, This militancy that exists today to TAKE IT from them just glosses over the point that these people own business that employs and also invest and innovate.
Ill need you to explain to me how I am being 'militant' by just discussing stuff you brought up in your post.

Also what I supposedly 'glossed' over please. This is the internet, if you feel like something is being missed, it might be because it was, and maybe try re-saying what it is that you feel wasn't adequately covered. Maybe that is where the miscommunication is happening.

I don't have any issue with businesses and how they spend their money (as long as it is not hurting).
so while there will always be some I'm better than you uppity pricks out there we just can't make all these people the enemy and just make them pick up their ball and go home so to speak and it seems to me the phrase that used to mellow people w/disagreements out a little that "WE'RE ALL STILL AMERICANS" no longer seems to exist and that division is candy for our adversaries.ccguns
You keep saying there is some division but not actually saying where it is.

I am not even sure you read what I posted before your snowflake response to it man.
Loss aversion - Wikipedia

Loss aversion is a human characteristic that describes how people are intrinsically afraid of losses. When compared against each other people dislike losing more than they like winning. ... Research studies into the psychological value of losses and gains have identified a loss aversion ratio of between 1.5 and 2.5.

no one likes to lose but it makes you a better player in whatever game you're playing because it exposes your weaknesses in order to repair for the next battle. therefore, it's necessary to lose to learn to win. some accept loss with dignity and grace and some not.
Ill need you to explain to me how I am being 'militant' by just discussing stuff you brought up in your post.

Also what I supposedly 'glossed' over please. This is the internet, if you feel like something is being missed, it might be because it was, and maybe try re-saying what it is that you feel wasn't adequately covered. Maybe that is where the miscommunication is happening.

I don't have any issue with businesses and how they spend their money (as long as it is not hurting).
You keep saying there is some division but not actually saying where it is.

I am not even sure you read what I posted before your snowflake response to it man.
I did'nt say YOU were being militant I was refering to the overall vibe in our country that exists to take it from them ,implying by force if necessary as I see it, like I said this makes these people the enemy, and the US is divided ,no, I seen a couple interviewed yesterday and the woman was adament that the election was stolen, states where reps control election process and signed off on its legitamency are rewriting voting laws, a hardcore 30% of pop. won't even consider vaccination, 40% don't recognize Biden as pres., this isn't division what is, MY bad on your post i only looked at it quick we both agree that everyone benefits when all do well, there are diff kinds of wealth, inherited wealth where your born rich and then their is created wealth that was strived for w/hard work, intelligence and innovation so i guess my feeling is that labeling the rich into one class and demonizing them is a little inaccurate and I'm certainly not rich or a defender of trust fund rich brats.ccguns
I did'nt say YOU were being militant
Right on, I wasn't sure. Internet is great in a lot of ways, but human communication has so much more to it that is lost in here, so it gets hard to know what one another is trying to say.

I was refering to the overall vibe in our country that exists to take it from them ,implying by force if necessary as I see it, like I said this makes these people the enemy, and the US is divided ,no,
Im not sure who you are giving off the 'take it by force' vibe. Or not at least to make it a 'both sides' issue bringing it back to your earlier post.

I seen a couple interviewed yesterday and the woman was adament that the election was stolen,
Yeah that is a very real problem.

But I know ever since Gore/Bush
states where reps control election process and signed off on its legitamency are rewriting voting laws, a hardcore 30% of pop. won't even consider vaccination, 40% don't recognize Biden as pres., this isn't division what is,
No question the Republicans in power are playing with fire allowing the propaganda to continue with their voters.

I think that they know that if they stop propaganda with legislation (say by funding a agency that could directly contact people when they encounter propaganda online and offer them help to understand what they are worried about), the evangelical base, 2nd amendment, and racist base will just disappear.

MY bad on your post i only looked at it quick we both agree that everyone benefits when all do well,
No worries.

there are diff kinds of wealth, inherited wealth where your born rich and then their is created wealth that was strived for w/hard work, intelligence and innovation so i guess my feeling is that labeling the rich into one class and demonizing them is a little inaccurate and I'm certainly not rich or a defender of trust fund rich brats.ccguns
I dont hate on rich people, you are right there is no reason to demonize them.

They were just really really really lucky to be born into the families that they were. And for the truly rich that worked and built it up in their generation is also impressive and relied on the systems and economy that all of us have collectively built up.

The only labels that I would think matter is really just the tax brackets.
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Ill need you to explain to me how I am being 'militant' by just discussing stuff you brought up in your post.

Also what I supposedly 'glossed' over please.
This is the internet, if you feel like something is being missed, it might be because it was, and maybe try re-saying what it is that you feel wasn't adequately covered. Maybe that is where the miscommunication is happening.

I don't have any issue with businesses and how they spend their money (as long as it is not hurting).
You keep saying there is some division but not actually saying where it is.

I am not even sure you read what I posted before your snowflake response to it man.

i don't think he understands the definition. i think he's an ex-Trumper trying to blend in with his Trumper-speak and it's not working (but he thinks it is).

oh! and he didn't say YOU were being militant just AOC and her militant ways.
This is my synopsis of my exp. w/the rich, I'm talkiing people who have multi million dollar oceanfront properties that they might stay in for 6 weeks in the summer, I've been at this g.course more than 20 yrs, prior I dealt grass 10 yrs straight, death in family had to legitimize for that reason and also self esteem as I was not proud of this and also found out I came from a family w/a lot of military service(I'm adopted born at a air force base) which made it even worse as I regretfully am not a vet. I have had rich married members take interest in me but never compromised myself, I've had members take a genuine interest in myself and take time to talk and be nice, I've said hi to people who look at me like I'm a FKN alien. I've had kids act like snobs and you can tell they're parents have already told them they're better than everyone else, I've been sought out and I've been stood up,so like I said before some good some bad. But these rich peoples leisure pursuits have provided me with a decent living,medical insurance,retirement plan, and a pretty healthy Xmas bonus along w/earning a living on a picturesque landscape bordering the ocean away from the gritty city in which I live. So all in all it's been a pretty good and eye opening exp. I have seen the wealth and these people as part time residents pay 2/ 1/2 times prop tax rate as year round residents no matter the state of economy the budget never changes.In 08 during recession it was business as usual, seeing them up close gives me a mixed reactioI see some who have high pressure leadership jobs, some whose innovation makes them wealthy, and some useless born into it trustfunders. Bottom line is they can pay more tax and should but I've seen enough decent human beings as to not villanize them in general and to group all in the same category is inaccurate.ccguns
i don't think he understands the definition. i think he's an ex-Trumper trying to blend in with his very Trumper-speak.

Lady, I am a center pragmatic dem, told you already I voted Biden,don't need to prove my authenticity to you, If I'm not far enough in left field to your liking sorry, labeling me anything Cheeto (I try to never use the word TRUMP) is pretty libelous as far as I'm concerned. I beginning to think you get off trying stoke a reaction out of me go find a thread with real Cheeto supporters and troll them. I've expressed my opinion of this despicable man in many posts go check, if you disagree w/me on issues oh well it's a free country RIGHT. I'm sure you can find a thread to take on some real far right Trumpsters if thats what you want but you've got the wrong guy in me.ccguns
Lady, I am a center pragmatic dem, told you already I voted Biden,don't need to prove my authenticity to you, If I'm not far enough in left field to your liking sorry, labeling me anything Cheeto (I try to never use the word TRUMP) is pretty libelous as far as I'm concerned. I beginning to think you get off trying stoke a reaction out of me go find a thread with real Cheeto supporters and troll them. I've expressed my opinion of this despicable man in many posts go check, if you disagree w/me on issues oh well it's a free country RIGHT. I'm sure you can find a thread to take on some real far right Trumpsters if thats what you want but you've got the wrong guy in me.ccguns

Mister, did you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016? (and don't even try to say you did- i have a guess who you did vote for though) The Biden vote (now) is not your get out of Trump-Jail Free Card.

admit you voted Trump in 2016 and i'll let you go. (you're in prone position not fighting back; i have my knee on your back and neck).
Mister, did you vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016? (and don't even try to say you did- i have a guess who you did vote for though) The Biden vote (now) is not your get out of Trump-Jail Free Card.

admit you voted Trump in 2016 and i'll let you go. (you're in prone position not fighting back; i have my knee on your back and neck).
I didn't vote at all in 2016 and I just about threw up at Cheetos inuaguration w/ Kelly Anne Conway dressed in a American flag, lady who the hell are you to put words in my mouth and misrepresent my position, I rheemed Chauvin on this site and welcomed his conviction , I merely pointed out that in some of these incidents no one mentioned accountability and putting ones self in bad situations, in no way did i excuse the police actions, then someone else mentioned the jogger killed by 2 rednecks that wasn't even part of the conversation . My focus was on 3 incidents the Floyd killing which I excoriated Chauvin for (look at my posts),the 13 yo out w/ a wanted gangbanger possessing guns late at night, and the girl flailing w/the knive and i explicitly said they were wrongly killed by police. What is it w/you do you have some kind of fetish to provoke me? I know what I'm about and I'm a fair person and I have disliked Cheeto since he hung around the boxing game in the 80's and knew he was a crook all along. Some people would attack you personally or use profanity for accusing them of voting for people that they did'nt but I'm above that and have said I would'nt resort to that in this forum and on top of that you're a lady, like I said I'm sorry I'm not left enough for your liking but please don't accuse me of ever supporting Cheetoman, he is a cowardly,vile chretin who chews people up and spits them out and I'm shocked at the support he still gets, but hey if you like trying to push my buttons go right ahead I'm a big boy and you won't melt my ice
I didn't vote at all in 2016 and I just about threw up at Cheetos inuaguration w/ Kelly Anne Conway dressed in a American flag, lady who the hell are you to put words in my mouth and misrepresent my position, I rheemed Chauvin on this site and welcomed his conviction , I merely pointed out that in some of these incidents no one mentioned accountability and putting ones self in bad situations, in no way did i excuse the police actions, then someone else mentioned the jogger killed by 2 rednecks that wasn't even part of the conversation . My focus was on 3 incidents the Floyd killing which I excoriated Chauvin for (look at my posts),the 13 yo out w/ a wanted gangbanger possessing guns late at night, and the girl flailing w/the knive and i explicitly said they were wrongly killed by police. What is it w/you do you have some kind of fetish to provoke me? I know what I'm about and I'm a fair person and I have disliked Cheeto since he hung around the boxing game in the 80's and knew he was a crook all along. Some people would attack you personally or use profanity for accusing them of voting for people that they did'nt but I'm above that and have said I would'nt resort to that in this forum and on top of that you're a lady, like I said I'm sorry I'm not left enough for your liking but please don't accuse me of ever supporting Cheetoman, he is a cowardly,vile chretin who chews people up and spits them out and I'm shocked at the support he still gets, but hey if you like trying to push my buttons go right ahead I'm a big boy and you won't melt my ice
Try using paragraphs and a space between them, makes the wall of text more readable and electrons are cheap. This place can be useful for brushing up on our writing and communication skills and you should have a spell checker in your browser.
Try using paragraphs and a space between them, makes the wall of text more readable and electrons are cheap. This place can be useful for brushing up on our writing and communication skills and you should have a spell checker in your browser.
Sorry DIY,my 13th grade education is a little rusty at this point,I'm not a techy(what is a spell browser), maybe being accused of voting for that dickhead twice by comrade SCHUYLAAR got me disoriented enough to make my fingers shaky,you're more than welcome to critique my writing as I kind of consider you the dean of deep and informative posts my Canadian friend, BTY how is the vaccination scene working out for you?ccguns
That being said in 2016, I did not cast a vote as I have said before I was never a very political person, however if I had an inkling that Cheeto could take my state (it has'nt voted Rep. since 1984) I surely would have voted for Hillary (a little reluctantly due to the sense of entitlement she exuded), but there was no chance in hell Cheeto could win MA and the pop vote means shit so why bother was my take. I wasn't to pumped over Hillary but she is a battle tested lady, she impressed me standing up to those bloodthirsty Reps for hours in the Benghazi hearings and she gave better than she got and they couldn't break her ( I'd love to see Cheetoman take that kind of heat, he'd completely melt down in less than half the time that she held up). Other than that I've always been able to find some level of respect for the pres. no matter what side of the aisle they were from,to take on such a pressure cooking, all encompassing job with so much responsibility is a noble pursuit IMO,and I put myself in their shoes before I criticize them, that is until a certain DONALD came along and he possessed no redeeming qualities to respect.ccguns