• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fox Talking about Princess Die Conspiracy Today?


New Member

Fox Talking about princess die conspiracy today wtf?

wtf? LMAO


lol I like the music in this - the top comment on you tube: "No Shit Sheeple, It was a HIT!"


New Member
oh I see now, the cool graphics got their attention, they are into that kinda stuff, graphix, maybe if we did like a congo, liberia, or ruwanda with souped up graphix staring ice cube wait....denzel..nevermind


Well-Known Member
oh boy...

i thought fox news was fucking berserk by why did they let this woman push such a ridiculous story??



Well-Known Member
She said her ex wanted to kill her, and how he was planning to do it, and then it happened that way. And there's evidence of a coverup and no proper autopsy and faked urinalysis of the driver and all the camera's on that route were magically off.

Yet people still call it rediculous?


Any normal person would have been convicted for sure in court and in public opinion on all the above alone.


Well-Known Member
it could be...

there is no evidence of 'faked urinalysis'. they slammed straight into a solid cement pillar at more than double the speed limit, without a seatbelt on.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I meant blood test but was thinnking urinalysys. They claimed the driver was drunk, I forget the amount but super high, turns out in addition to that in the blood test they found he had some huge amount of co2 in his body which would have made driving completely impossible to begin with, couldn't have even walked to the car or made it a block, and wasn't explainable by any method, wasn't attributed to the accident or airbag.


Well-Known Member
i've heard the stories before. they're bullshit.

she wrote that she might be killed in a car accident.

i have a family member who crashed a car similarly to how this woman died. the only person that survived was wearing a seatbelt. the 2 that died weren't. that was the deciding factor in this cse. WEAR THE FUCKING SEATBELT. A BROKEN CLAVICLE VS. DEATH. NOT A HARD CHOICE HERE....

the mercedez would've absorbed the majority of the blow. she should've survived IF she was wearing a seatbelt.....


I was young enough when it happened and I remember my dad telling me it was no accident. A lot of people in the UK reckon she was killed. The fucking royal family are bastards.


Well-Known Member
Just like all the other deaths of protesters and activists and humanists and journalists across the world in recent years. Notice in the opening it says hundreds of journalists, more than this one issue and not just in the phillipines.

Clearly accidents:

Some may look like accidents and you may think it's all unrelated, but I doubt it. After a while it's just way too many coincidences when you start adding them all up.


Oh hell yeah, defiantly something up there. I believe in coincidences but anyone with half a brain would question these deaths. It's been said millions of times before but I'm gonna say it again.............



Well-Known Member
Nice to see there's at least one more person who doesn't buy that's it's all conincidence.

Here's another coincindence:

Well this guy beating the system and he died (of natural causes they say) the day before full disclosure:
Powers that be then kept calling it a fraud, and impossible afterwards.

And we all know our hydrogen technology is going nowhere fast.

But lo and behold then Japan had this, not only does it show meyers was on to something real the japanese had an even further advance on the invention:

And of course now Japan isn't doing so well, and can't build shit.

Many people are sure japans problems were caused by haarp, even hugo chavez and other world leaders, but most sheeple say haarp is impossible while at the same time have no explanation why there would be 14 or more haarp sites around the world costing billions, if it didn't work.

All this while we ruin whole oceans with oil spills and corexit and fight to take over the whole middle east for oil, and risk ww3 as the worlds largest enemy.

And of course our weather has gone bat shit crazy too since japan, but of course people still say it's all just coincidence. :)

At some point you have to say ok enough is enough that's too many coincidences, wait a minute...Who would want to kill all these technologies off and people off, and why.

It's also just a coincidence that Dick Cheney and GWB are so big into oil, and Cheney's been implicated in both 911 AND the gulf oil spill in one way or another.

But conspiracy theorists are all nuts right?


Active Member
Its fucking bullshit, I wanna drive my car on water damn it. 22 gallons to get from LA to new york.... WTF. I hate the big oil companies. I wish someone would invent the shit and not tell a sole until it is announced so everyone can witness it.


Well-Known Member
And I guess water boy car inventor left behind no documents? lol, ok....

You have more conspiracies in your head than most people have underwear.... I find you hilarious and great entertainment. Please keep posting. ;)

Nice to see there's at least one more person who doesn't buy that's it's all conincidence.

Here's another coincindence:

Well this guy beating the system and he died (of natural causes they say) the day before full disclosure:
Powers that be then kept calling it a fraud, and impossible afterwards.

And we all know our hydrogen technology is going nowhere fast.

But lo and behold then Japan had this, not only does it show meyers was on to something real the japanese had an even further advance on the invention:

And of course now Japan isn't doing so well, and can't build shit.

Many people are sure japans problems were caused by haarp, even hugo chavez and other world leaders, but most sheeple say haarp is impossible while at the same time have no explanation why there would be 14 or more haarp sites around the world costing billions, if it didn't work.

All this while we ruin whole oceans with oil spills and corexit and fight to take over the whole middle east for oil, and risk ww3 as the worlds largest enemy.

And of course our weather has gone bat shit crazy too since japan, but of course people still say it's all just coincidence. :)

At some point you have to say ok enough is enough that's too many coincidences, wait a minute...Who would want to kill all these technologies off and people off, and why.

It's also just a coincidence that Dick Cheney and GWB are so big into oil, and Cheney's been implicated in both 911 AND the gulf oil spill in one way or another.

But conspiracy theorists are all nuts right?


Well-Known Member
Serapis if by no documentation you don't count a ton of patents you can look up online then no, no documentation. I guess you are saying the japanese were going into production on just dreams too then?

The only way you'll have a car like that is build it yourself. You can bet japan won't touch it now since they all glow and are about to sink into the sea anyway. A guy in the phillipines has figured it out too, and claims to be going into production, but lets see what happens to him

Several folks on youtube are trying to duplicate the first guys work and many are very very close, but probably none of those will ever be able to go into production here because they don't hold the patents. (Just guessing)
Looking like good progress here, that's sure a lot of hydrogen production in both of these guys copies of meyers work and this is just two examples there are many more:


At least you can see the technology works, all people are lacking is more tuning and optimizing then any car can be converted. Meyers said he had his buggy idling at 5v and 10a I think, all the patents didn't include is the last details of spacing and tuning it, that and his electronics portions that let him acheive that efficiency. He was about to reveal the last details publicly the day before he mysteriously died. But the japanese must have figured it out, and others will get there too soon enough. The japanese weren't at the looking for investers to scam stage as most scams you are thinking of, they were right at the mass production stage. They had their sample cars working and production set up and we would have had these cars available.

This stuff isn't overunity scam stuff, all meyers did was find a more efficient way to break hydrogen and oxygen from water than the old DC method we've had since 1800's or earlier, efficient enough that a big alternator (not stock) could put out enough to run an engine.

Yes I have more conspiracy theory stuff to choke a horse I admit that, but I didn't create it, I just collect it and present it. I've never said any is true or what of it is true there's far too much information mixed with disinformation to tell, just that something is going on and too many coincidences are going on. :)

Even if we never got close to the efficiency meyers claimed the above, even in it's current form, is already poised to make plenty of hydrogen offline from windmills or solar or whatever, more than enough to charge up your car for a days work easily, and it's certainly useful stuff for more than just cars.

Beats all the bad news lately...



Well-Known Member
I was with ya until the NWO and HAARP stuff, then you became a nut imo.

The stuff before that though, ya im with ya, they were not coincidences (the journalists OR Princess Di).


Well-Known Member
I don't blame you for not believing me, but then why do all the presidents talk so much about the new world order in their own words, there are literally hundreds of examples. We have all heard them say it time and time again. You can find examples all over youtube if you don't remember and I posted some above but I don't want to post too many links, then people get upset because these pages load too slow.

And what is behind all the killings? There have to be reasons. It could just be regular old power struggles, it could be that trillions of dollars are at stake, it could be that the worlds limited resources are at stake, it could be that oil/gas/power is one of the few profitable industries left now that everything else is dead or taking a dive. It could be that technologies like this would put the oil/gas/coal/nuclear/hydro/automobile/motorcycle/car repair parts and all related industries everything at risk all at once, at the worst time ever, thus risking national security outright at this point. Who would buy what we have out now if the above was right around the corner? There would be a gap of a year or two at least while people waited and completely stopped buying what we make now and that would be devastating.

The evidence for haarp is pretty solid too, but the problem with believing that is that it's so outside of what we are used to. Pretty groundbreaking stuff to be able to control the weather alone, which is all they claim to be able to do with it, but there is evidence for it being able to create earthquakes as well. Again I just see too many coincidences, that is unless you believe in the 2012 stuff for the reason behind the coincidences of earthquakes and weather lately. Or if you believe aliens are doing it, or the earth is fighting back with global warming even though we're actually cooling.

I actually find haarp the easiest to believe out of all the other options. There had to be a point where we could control the weather and create earthquakes once our technology and power reached a certain point, that's kind of a given that we would be able to acheive that eventually, the difference with me is I just happen to think we are there now.

We've been able to wirelessly transmit megawatts long distances in a focused pattern since the mid 70's, and they publicly released that info back then straight from NASA in case you didn't know:

When you can transmit energy like that the rest is just a matter of time... Energy transmitted like that with multiple arrays of antennas all focused on the same area certainly can heat things up, that's a given, and the right frequencies and enough power certainly could shake things up. Tornados are simply what happens when cold air meets warmer air, or hot air. Warmer air could be made having something in the air to reflect or absorb the energy like a cloud or chemtrail of dust depending on what you wanted to accomplish. Whirlpools can be made with energy this easily:

And what did you see happen when Japan had their earthquake?

I'd say the evidence is pretty damn solid. Especially if you keep in mind roofs ripping off airplanes that got in the way, the carnival splendor cruise ship fire where the electrical system was killed one day after yet another drill ahead of time just like there have been disaster teams at the ready doing drills near everything since 911 and beyond, birds falling dead from the sky, massive fish die offs, and if you noticed the burned dolphins story too, that's an especially important one. All these are also on youtube, and when you add them all up the picture becomes clearer.
