Fox Farms fertelizers and pH levels


Hello, I need some help concerning my waters ph after adding my Fox Farms nutrients. I don't really have the money for a pH tester so I am turning to you guys.

My mixtures will be as follows: 2-3 tsp of Grow Big/Gallon of distilled water, 2-3 tsp of Grow Big + 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water, and 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water.

Any information would be great! Thanks :)

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Hello, I need some help concerning my waters ph after adding my Fox Farms nutrients. I don't really have the money for a pH tester so I am turning to you guys.

My mixtures will be as follows: 2-3 tsp of Grow Big/Gallon of distilled water, 2-3 tsp of Grow Big + 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water, and 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water.

Any information would be great! Thanks :)
Im confused as to what you are asking. I have a pH tester that a picked up for like $25 online. Its nothing fancy but does the job.

If you still cant afford one pm me and I will help you with any questions you have. I also use foxfarm nutrients so can probably give you an idea of whats going on.


Active Member
Hello, I need some help concerning my waters ph after adding my Fox Farms nutrients. I don't really have the money for a pH tester so I am turning to you guys.

My mixtures will be as follows: 2-3 tsp of Grow Big/Gallon of distilled water, 2-3 tsp of Grow Big + 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water, and 1-2 tbl of Big Bloom/Gallon of distilled water.

Any information would be great! Thanks :)
Hi, I've been using Fox farms for about a year now. I use about the same mixes in a hydroponic system and find the pH is around 6.8 when mixed with my tap water. You can get a basic 'drops' method pH test kit for next to nothing. Knowing your pH is important as you probably well know. Nutrient up take is greatly affected by changes in pH sometimes resulting in nutrient lock out, which manifests as various patterns of yellowing on the leaves. A nutrient mixes' pH can change quickly in relation to a lot of things like... how many plants are being fed, how big they are, reservoir volume & temp and actual nutrients added and how long you go between topping off the reservoir and totally changing it. etc. (*NOTE* changing nutes once a week is pretty bomb proof, you still will probably need to top off though, use fresh water not nute mix to top off.)sorry if this covers old ground for you.
Some time when you can afford it you ought to look into a digital pH pen & a TDS or EC meter too. Good to have a clear picture of what your plant is sucking up. Test every other day if you can, then you'll see the pattern that develops, as well as the weak spots in your nutrient cycle. i.e. pH drops 2 points every 3 days...meaning you need to add pH 'UP' to counteract the pH drop, which in turn maintains proper nute up take by the plants...
Though I like the results I get with Fox Farms' stuff they aren't totally organic. I plan to switch to Earth juice for the 'All organic' grow. Hope this helps, Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:


Hi, I've been using Fox farms for about a year now. I use about the same mixes in a hydroponic system and find the pH is around 6.8 when mixed with my tap water. You can get a basic 'drops' method pH test kit for next to nothing. Knowing your pH is important as you probably well know. Nutrient up take is greatly affected by changes in pH sometimes resulting in nutrient lock out, which manifests as various patterns of yellowing on the leaves. A nutrient mixes' pH can change quickly in relation to a lot of things like... how many plants are being fed, how big they are, reservoir volume & temp and actual nutrients added and how long you go between topping off the reservoir and totally changing it. etc. (*NOTE* changing nutes once a week is pretty bomb proof, you still will probably need to top off though, use fresh water not nute mix to top off.)sorry if this covers old ground for you.
Some time when you can afford it you ought to look into a digital pH pen & a TDS or EC meter too. Good to have a clear picture of what your plant is sucking up. Test every other day if you can, then you'll see the pattern that develops, as well as the weak spots in your nutrient cycle. i.e. pH drops 2 points every 3 days...meaning you need to add pH 'UP' to counteract the pH drop, which in turn maintains proper nute up take by the plants...
Though I like the results I get with Fox Farms' stuff they aren't totally organic. I plan to switch to Earth juice for the 'All organic' grow. Hope this helps, Happy Gardening! GrowIT!:weed:
Thank you, once i get the money ill be sure to get a pH tester


bud bootlegger
i know that my tap water has a ph of around 8.6 and after i add my ff nutes, it comes down to right about 6.6.... so that i now know that my ff nutes brings my ph down by two full ph points... that is a pretty big drop, but that is why it is said to check the ph after you add your nutes instead of before, as you may find yourself doing double the work...